Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Muse-Christmas Visions Challenge

Hi my crafty friends, a little update on hubby and then I have a card believe it or not. Hubby had a partial treatment today, the one chemo he didn't get because that is every two weeks, so next week he will get it. He is have some better days, not great, but better and better is always good! Still getting fevers as well, but they aren't as high, but we have been keeping on top of them with the Tylenol and ice packs. Next week he will get everything in his treatment including the pump he will wear for 48 hours. But it will be done differently this go around. The pump gets dropped off here at our home and then a nurse will come to the house will hook hubby up and then will come back to take it off. Last time the nurse in the chemo center put it on for him and then we would go back in to get it off. It will be nice not to have to run back in just to get it taken off. Now it is a wait and see game, hopefully this treatment will shrink the larger tumor and make the smaller ones disappear like it did last time. So keeping the faith and fingers crossed and looking forward to better days with some normalcy. This care giver is getting worn out! But will continue to care for hubby as long as needed. The funeral for my mother went well and it was good to get together with family. DS has been home from college for a week now and it is good to have him home. I think. He still has boxes and his crap all over the house. lol He has been working in the fields and working at the movie house, so not much time for him to clean up his stuff. Hopefully soon! It is just finding a place to store everything until Aug. when school starts again. Hubby isn't able to get into the fields yet, so some of our sons are doing what they can. Hopefully soon hubby will be able to get in the tractor and go, he really needs to and I really need him to be able to do just that! 

There's a new challenge in town and it is called Muse-Christmas Visions. A designer team member posts a card and you are to take inspiration from that card. Here is the card that was posted by designer Kimberly Wiener:

Beautiful isn't it?! Well I happened to receive a box of watercolors from my Momma Mary for my birthday, wasn't that so sweet of her?!! Thanks Momma Mary!! I haven't done much watercoloring, in fact, I don't think I've done anything but smooshing with distress inks and a spritz of water. lol So this may very well be my first time watercoloring. And even though it isn't great, it isn't to bad either. I will take it! The inside turned out better than the outside did, but that's ok, I'm still pretty happy with it. I took Kimberly's card and kinda' CASED it-I did say kinda' didn't I? lol  So besides my new Koi Watercolors which are NBUS, I also used a NBUS stamp set that I won in a NBUS challenge by my Auntie Darnell! Thanks Auntie!!! I was happy to be able to play with some of my NBUS, got plenty  more to go though. 

watercolor paper
Koi Watercolor Pocket Field Sketch box paints
DCWV Gold Foil paper
My Creative Time Stitched Rectangular Frame Dies and More
Stamplorations Holiday Sketches Christmas Flower stamp set
SU Vanilla cardstock for the card base
SU Gold Embossing Powder
Sequins from Peachy Cheap


Suzanne cricutcraftingrammyblogspot.com said...

Brenda your card is so beautiful! I love the watercolors and the gold. But most of all I am glad Dwayne got a treatment and is feeling a little better. Also that Brett is home now. Praying for you all. Hugs-

jimlynn said...

Brenda, WOW on this wonderful card and your water coloring!!! I just can't seem to get the hang of that at all and you've done a terrific job with them. LOVE the beautiful flower and the back drop in gold. Very, very, very pretty!
Glad things are looking a tiny bit better anyway. Hang in there. I know what you're talking about with the son home from college too! LOL!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah dear Brenda so very good to have an update... with news that something re treatment is going ahead.

Often it seems the long way around, but that does not matter if it's the best way around in this given situation so that is what I am praying for you and dear hubby, that this is the right treatment for the given situation with the best, the very best results all round for your darling hubby, dear friend.

Love your watercolour card, truly wonderful makes me think I need to get going at grinding halt with cards due to computer and other issues demanding time ..now!

Big hugs and many prayers for Gods blessing upon you and all you love,
Shaz in Oz.x

D- said...

I'm so glad things are going better and that he has been able to get his treatment. You are blessed to have your sweet sons to help you out.
Your card is beautiful. I loVe your watercoloring. Thanks for sharing
Crafty hugs,

Anonymous said...

To me water coloring is hard. I love your card. It's fabulous. so glad the treatment went well. And thank goodness you don't have to wear yourselves out going back and forth for everything. Praying for a wonderful outcome and hubby keeps feeling better. Positive thoughts and mild side effects.

Marilyn said...

Pretty cards! Glad to hear you Husband is feeling a little better. Sending prayers

Chriss Blagrave said...

Gorgeous card, inside and out! Love your gold mat frame too!
I hope your husbands treatments go well.
Thanks for joining in with Muse Christmas Visions!

Ardyth said...

I love that you've put art on the inside of the card as well! Love the shine of the broad gold frame and your pretty watercolouring! So glad you joined us for our first MCV challenge!

aussie aNNie said...

This is one stunning creation and just love the inside decorated nicely...I have joined your blog as a new follower.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

Loll said...

Hi Brenda. Good to hear hubby's fevers are not as high ... progress!

Beautiful watercoloured card. You did a great job!! Loll xx

wienerhoneymooners said...

I agree, BRAVO on the interior. Looks like you are doing an excellent job at breaking in your watercolors, so lovely!!! Thanks for joining us at the MUSECV!!!

MaryH said...

Happy to hear that things seem to be improving a bit, and that plans are going forward for this treatment. I hope you both can get a little rest & relaxation. I am so loving how you interpreted the inspiration card. Actually I think the front looks just as lovely as did the inside too. You've done a splendid watercolor effort, and the marbling on the poinsettia is just beautiful! Love the gold accents. Well done!! Big hugs & TFS

Lisa said...

I'm so glad your hubby's treatment is going well so far and that his fevers aren't as high. Praying that everything continues to improve and that the treatment works. Praying for you too my friend.

Your card is stunning!! I love the watercoloring!! The gold and blue are so elegant together!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Caroline said...

Both of these cards are just beautiful! I will continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers.

Happy Dance said...

Beautiful CASE of Kimberly's card. Love the gold mat and those pretty little sequins. Well done. And I have to commend you; accomplishing crafts while being a caregiver. I do some of that for my DH, and it isn't easy! DH has issues, but nothing so tough as the big C. I will continue to say prayers on his behalf, a few for you too, and I hope that all continues on a positive note. Bev

Carol L said...

Look at you go with those beautiful blue watercolors! Your card is stunning with the added gold, and the inside looks just as pretty as the outside! I love that textured cardstock you used too! I'm glad there's slight improvement and I'm always wishing your hubby well! I saw Valerie Harper on tv this morning and she's one reason why I say never give up! 2 yrs ago she was given 2 months to live, and today she looks as healthy and vibrant as anyone! I hope those clinical trials will soon be available for him too! Stay focused :)

Irish Cherokee said...

Great job inside and out with the water colors Brenda. The gold frames are a very nice touch and the gold embossing powder is an excellent finishing touch.

Love, Hugs and Blessings

Jo Williams Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator said...

Beautiful card Brenda! The watercolor look is just gorgeous! So happy to hear that Dwayne is getting some treatment and doing better. As you said, better is good! Will continue thinking of you both and keeping you in prayer.

cm said...

My sweet friend! Whatever the 'gremlin' is that's eating my comments should be full by now! Grr...Let's try once again! First: your card is absolutely gorgeous! You've captured details from Kimberly's card and created one of your own, infused with your marvelous style! Love it! As you must know, hugs, prayers and positive thoughts - from me to you - are delivered daily! While my comments may disappear, these things do not! They come with faith that this course of treatment will see you husband on the road to recovery; they come with hope that you are doing what *you* need to remain healthy, strong and 'sane' yourself (card-making is awesome therapy!); they come with extra 'oomph' to give you strength to weather the 'other' situations that require your attention. I hope that your husband will be out on the tractor soon, spending time doing what he loves, which, in turn, will give you some peace of mind that he's on the recovery road! Please keep us posted! Hugs and love, in abundance, my friend!

Bonnie said...

This is your first time watercoloring? Wow! Wish my first try looked this good! Isn't it fun and relaxing? I'm glad your hubby could start on his treatments and hope they will not be too hard on them and blast those tumors away! Prayers continue. Hang in there.

Sue said...

Really stunning card Brenda and hang in there!!! I know how hard it is on the carer ...but so glad he is starting his treatment huggles Sue xxx

Wendy said...

First, I want to say that I'm terribly sorry that your husband is having to deal with cancer, but I'm also so impressed with your upbeat attitude. Just remember, as his caretaker, to take care of yourself, too!
I love your paper creations, and I have tried to look at your past projects by clicking on each of the Cricut cartridge names on your sidebar, or by clicking on previous dates. But most of the pictures of your creations are removed, and replaced by a triangle with an exclamation point in it. Is there some way to see all the fabulous items you've made with these cartridges?
Thank you, Brenda!

Brenda said...

Hi Wendy, thanks for your sweet comment! As far as I know there is no way to view those posts. At first I thought I did something to delete them from my phone, but then I saw that it went all the way back to when I started my blog. So something happened on Blogger's end I guess. I put the pictures back in that I had and the rest, I just don't have anymore. It was a bummer for me but have no clue as to how to fix it. Hugs, Brenda

Karen P said...

That is beautiful hun - you are going to love the watercolours so much! The Spectrum Noir Aqua tints are just like liquid watercolour but brighter plus ten, almost neon but not quite.
Lovely to see you got a little time to play huni - you are going to enjoy them and if you ever want to know how I did something then just yell and I'll do a quick tutorial for you - I actually quite like doing them these days lol.
What is better to see is that your hubby is being taken care of too - big hugs to both of you - you are one of my sweetest and nicest followers Brenda and I am blessed to have you as a friend too. Take care of both of you huni Karen xx

Karen P said...

Just re-read your post huni - and a quick tip for you when using watercolours. Stamp and emboss your image use a wet paintbrush to go over your image before adding colour - it helps the colour to spread more naturally and I think that's what was done on the first card, but honestly Brenda give me a yell if you want a tutorial - I don't mind huni xx

Hettie said...

What a beautiful card. Your watercolouring looks wonderful.
Glad to hear Hubby's treatment is under way. Sending you all hugs across the water.

MackieMade Paper Creations said...

You did an outstanding job with your watercolors! I can't believe this was your first time! Don't cha just love it!!!! The blue and gold are so pretty together.
I am sending prayers to you and your hubby.

Anita in France said...

What a debut with watercolouring, Brenda ... the gold frame and shimmery sequins are gorgeous with the rich blue ... and I love that you took the design to the inside! As ever, sending happy thoughts and prayers your way ... for both of you ... that the chemo continues to work for Dwayne and that you maintain the strength and energy needed for all that you do daily. Hugs, Anita :)

Sybrina K said...

Brenda, Been thinking of you lots. Came by to see how hubby and you are doing. So very glad that treatment is finally getting underway and happy that you made a little time to craft. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

scrappymo! said...

Gorgeous! The inside is as beautiful as the outside...just like you!

I wish you both (and your family) the very best wishes on this journey of healing.
We were on that same journey 30 years ago and Dh is still going strong in spite of having very poor odds with stage 3 cancer.

You are in my prayers...
Crafty hugs

vic said...

Hello lovely your cards are just beautiful and I love the water colouring! I have my fingers crossed for you and your family and I'm thinking of you, your doing such a great job caring and looking after your family you deserve a medal. I hope your hubby gets on well with his pump and I have everything crossed for you all
Huge hugs to you
Vic xx

moknowsall said...

Brenda - well - first = we miss you at BBTB2, just isn't the same without your sweetness.

2nd - I have been thinking and praying for you and your family. I hope the new process for healing your husband goes well and that God is looking down and helping everyone. My condolences on the loss of your mother. I understand what you are going through.

God Bless and stay strong.

Maureen Sala

Unknown said...

Love how you recreated the card and the gold panel there is so awesome!

Linda said...

Brenda, I think you did a beautiful job on your first time watercoloring. And prayers to you and your family.

Unknown said...

It came out fabulous, especially for your first real go at watercoloring. I really like the poinsettia in blue and the gold foil paper is fab. Very pretty card.