Sunday, November 6, 2016

Your the Best!

Hello my crafty friends, it is with a heavy heart I come to you today with my design team post. We found out yesterday that my son's friend and college roommate was killed late Friday night in an auto accident. He had just turned 22 years old back in Sept. He was with another friend, who was doing the driving. The young man hit a tree and it killed both of them. My son, thankfully, had came home Friday. This was Bret's first year rooming with Nick, but they were friends and decided to room together this year. I was so happy that Bret had Nick to room with instead of living alone up at college. After my husband passed I really worried about Bret up at college, but Nick would come over and stay with him. He was a good friend to my son and he was very nice to me. He and Bret came home last winter just before our big storm hit and the boys shoveled and plowed snow together. Nice young man and it makes my heart so heavy knowing he is gone now. And now my son has to go back to his apartment with all Nick's things being there. I can even imagine how it will be for him. He said he guesses that he and Nick's parents will just sit down and cry for Nick. I'm sure they will, I've already been crying most of the day. I know God has a plan, but sometimes it is hard to understand that he does. So please keep these families in your prayers as they deal with the deaths of their son's right here at the holidays. And say a little extra prayer for  my son as well. Thank you so much!

Well on to my post. When I went away back in Oct, a special family took care of Savannah for me. So I made two thank you cards just for the little girls who helped take care of her. They really are the best, so I had to make two cards telling them that. The Cardz TV Stamp set that I used today is one of Mary's newest, it's call Favorite Sayings and you can get it here   

I stamped and colored the leaves with my Zig's markers, I stamped them on some Bristol watercolor paper. The Zigs color so nicely on that paper! I used my Misti to line up sentiment and was able to move my paper on it to keep stamping. 

Remember to come back each day as you get inspiration each and every week. Happy crafting to you all! Crafty hugs, Brenda

Here is a new picture of Savannah, she has finally grown into her ears, but she hasn't grown into her feet yet! lol She is 47 lbs, I think she would have been over 50 lbs, but she stopped eating as much when our little Pocket's girl got sicker and then after I had Pocket's put down. Her appetite is slowly coming back, very slowly.  She is 5 months old today and she is such a beauty. 

One last photo I'd like to share is me and all the teachers when we went to on our trip in Oct. What a good time we had!!!

As always, thank you for taking the time and stopping by to visit a spell. Your comments always bring sunshine to my life!!! I do have a couple more cards to share and I will do that soon. 

Crafty hugs,

Card Recipe:
Cardz TV Stamp Set: Favorite Sayings
Leaves: My Creative Time Gobble Gobble
Bristol Watercolor Paper
Zigs Clean Brush Markers


Loll said...

So sad about your son's roommate and his friend. Too young to loose their lives. What heartache for the families. Sending hugs to you and Bret.

I'm glad you had some time to craft, it can be very therapeutic. I find I can loose myself when I'm creating, and stressful times can be forgotten. Even if it is only for a few minutes, it's a welcome break.

Take care.

Loll xx

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Brenda, what a heartbreak - yes I will pray.
Love that card - it's beautiful. The repeated sentiment is wonderful.
Savannah is such a stunning dog!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your son's friend. That is so horrible. Y'all have really been hit with tragedies for over a year. I'm wishing many blessings for you and your family.
The card is very pretty. Love the colors.

Veerle said...

Gosh Brenda I am so sorry for the loss of your sons friends. Sending you and him sympathy wishes and you're all in my thoughts. I know how it feels to loose someone in the blink of an eye as I just recently lost my uncle too.
Savannah on the other hand looks wonderful and a hand full I think LOL. She sure is a pretty thing. Love your card too. Sending love'n hugs, Veerle x

Tina Campbell said...

Beautiful card :) She is getting big :)
So sorry to hear of Bret's friend, sad when God takes these good men from our young ones, but he does have a plan that unfolds before we know it. Prayers with Bret that he finds other great friends and to the parents of this boy and the other boy too.

Bonnie said...

I'm so sorry for another loss in your life, Brenda! I will certainly be sending prayers for the families of these boys and for you and Bret.

Two little girls are going to be delighted to get these cards! Savannah is such a beauty that I'm sure they loved taking care of her. How nice that you had someone to "babysit" so you could have a good time away with friends.

Hang in there. xoxo

Lisa said...

Oh gosh, Brenda, I am so, so sorry for the loss of your son's friend. Much too young. I had a roommate pass away from a car accident in college, too and it's devastating. I will keep your son and his friend's family in my prayers.

Your card is so beautiful!! I love the design and the pretty leaves!! Savannah is so gorgeous!! What a sweet picture!! And a beautiful photo of your trip, too!! Thinking of you my friend. Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

MaryH said...

Oh I did hate to read the top of this sad post. My heart & prayers go out to this young man's family and to Bret. It will be so hard for him after all he's been through of late. I'm so thankful he was not in the car with his young friend. Now, I love your sweet card. Great coloring with the zigs, and the youngsters will love it, with the fall colored polka dot bkground papers. Enjoyed seeing pretty Miss S. She is really getting quite large, and will be a great body guard for you. Also loved seeing the pictures of you girls having a fun time. Take care, & TFS. Hugs. MM

jimlynn said...

Sending prayers for both Bret and Nick's parents. So very sad.
Savanna is looking very handsome - and yes, she's grown so much!!
Love your Fall card too Brenda! Love the way you repeated the sentiment on the side like that. Great.

Happy Dance said...

So sorry to hear about Bret's friend, Nick. That has to be so hard on your son, and for all those who loved him. It's good to know that God promises to help us in our sorrows, and also that we'll see our loved ones again. Your family and his, have my deepest condolences. Your card for Savannah's 'babysitters' is darling. I think it says it all" "you're the best!" LOVE that orange polka dot paper and those leaves really give it a nice Fall look. I'm sure that they loved it. Take care my friend. xoxo Bev

Carol L said...

Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to learn of the passing of your son's college roommate! That's so sad to lose your life at such a young age when life is just beginning to unfold for you. Please give your son extra hugs from me, I can only imagine how he feels. The card you made goes pretty far in showing your appreciation for those who watched Savannah, and speaking of your dog - she's GORGEOUS! A truly beautiful dog which will surely be a great companion for you in the days ahead! Try to have a good week and take care.

Darnell said...

I'm keeping you and Bret and all of Nick's family and friends in my prayers, Brenda. What a sad tragedy, one that my family has been through so I have some sense of the pain. I'm so very thankful that Bret wasn't in the car!

Your card for the girls is just perfect for them and I'm sure they were delighted to receive them ~ and to help take care of Savannah! She is really is a beautiful specimen of a lady German Shepherd!! What a great companion and protector for you!

Thank you for sharing the awesome photo of your lady's get-away! It looks like everyone is enjoying themselves!

Big hugs as you get through these next several days! Love, Auntie

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Oh dear Brenda, so very sad about your dear sons best mate, and I do pray for dear Brett, as well as Nicks parents how hard, sad for them all. I also pray that through this sorrow they will cling to the One Who loves them best. Truly He understands He knows, He cares.

Oh how absolutely beautiful is your Savannah, what intelligent looking eyes too. Gorgeous face. She'll grow into her feet too.
Your card is so very very clever I love it well done sis,
Shaz n Oz.x

Sheila H said...

Brenda, I am sending prayers to your son and you, and to his friend's family. I am so sorry..
Savannah is a real beauty. I have a 90 lb German Shepard nephew in Californis. They're great dogs :). Your lovely card will be appreciated, I'm sure. The pretty leaves and multiple stamping of the sentiment are awesome. Take care...

Anita in France said...

You and Bret have my prayers, Brenda ... as do the families of those young men who tragically lost their lives ... I'm so sorry. God will give each of you the strength you all need.

Your 'Savannah Sitters' will have loved their card, I'm certain ... all those fun polka dots and fabulous falling leaves ... and of course that great repeated sentiment! Savannah looks so cute ... and what a happy, smiling picture of all you ladies ... and an incredible setting! Hugs, Anita :)

Sharon said...

So sorry to hear about these young ones passing!! No way could I imagine what their families are going through. Will keep them in my heart and prayers. Also you and your son. It's so hard to see our child grieve.
Love your card!!! I'm sure they will love it!!
Savannah is just beautiful!!!
Good to know that you had a good outing with your friends.
Take care of yourself!!! :)

Leslie Germain said...

Oh no, Brenda!! That is extremely sad!! Just heart breaking. So young...
So sorry for your son's and your loss!!

I love the card that you created! So pretty. And that dog of yours is adorable. Loving the picture of you and your friends. Hugs to you!!!

Di said...

Oh Brenda, how very sad. I was sure I'd commented previously on this post but can't find it here. What a blow for Bret and of course the families of both boys killed.


Di xx

Brenda in IN said...

My heart goes out to Bret and Nick's family. I feel so bad for Bret to have to go through this at his age and their family to lose a son. We don't know God's plan but it is hard to understand in times like this. Your cards for the girls are sweet and it's nice to have someone you trust look after your pets when you are away. Savannah is a beautiful dog. I know she is a blessing to you and it's great she is there for you, protecting and just being there as company. Prayers for all of you and I'm thinking of you my friend.

Karen P said...

You all could do without any more sadness huni your family has had too much this year. Oh my goodness - those ears - they are gorgeous! She's going to be a big girl Brenda, those gorgeous ears and feet, love, love them! Lovely photo of you and your friends too x

DIANA L. said...

Brenda, I am so sorry your son's friend was killed, such a young age and a lot of life left to live yet. Prayers to all of you.

Marlena M. said...

I'm so sorry for your loss~oh that's tragic Brenda! Ugh, special prayers for your son and this young man's family.
I was delighted to see your pup is growing up so sweet~and what a lovely group of ladies! I see familiar faces in there! I've held out on getting a Misti~but your delightful card has pushed me over the edge! I haven't thought about lining up a sentiment like that~thanks for the inspiration friend!