Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hello-A sketch challenge

Hello my crafty friends, hope your week is going well. Mine is going ok. Same ole, same ole. As I was doing come commenting, a sweet and very talented lady, Michele encouraged me to come play along with the challenge she designed for. That challenge is called CAS(E) This Sketch.  I wasn't sure if I would or not, but told her that I might. And of course she said it would make her smile if I did. So how could I not? Not really in a mood for creating, but there was a sketch and I thought I would give it a try. The first try I didn't like. So tried again and here is what I came up with. I will keep the other one for next April's:
April Fool Day, My big fat boo boo that Darnell hosted for the first time this year. 

She is really a hoot and I love to read her posts. You should go check her out as she will definitely make you chuckle. Lots of wild things go on over there as she has Hammy and his family helping her out. Don't know Hammy?? Well then you are in for a treat, go on over and meet Hammy and his family! 

So I'm linking my card today up with CAS(E) This Sketch. Not very creative (but it is CAS), I always have a hard time thinking out of the box. Michele does a fabulous job of thinking out of the box as does the other design team members. Go check them out by clicking on the pink CASE This Sketch up above. 

And here is the sketch!

As always thank you for stopping by for a spell today. I always enjoys your visits and your comments always make me smile. Crafty hugs, Brenda

Stamps and dies are from My Creative Time
Distress Ink-Tumbled Glass


Leigh Penner said...

Oh, this is perfect! Great take on the sketch!

Sue said...

Hi Brenda I must apologise for being a very bad blogger but you and I both know what it's like family comes first. Absolutely love your card and I hope you are doing well lots of huggles Sue xxxxxxxxxxxx

Carol L said...

You nailed the sketch with this fun little paper airplane card! I like the text paper and the cute clouds too! Fun CAS card!!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, Brenda, this is a perfect take on the sketch!! I love the paper airplane!! It's so sweet!! The clouds are awesome!! You did such a fabulous job my friend!! I just can't do CAS...I want to but I have a compulsive need to keep adding to cards!! It's sad, really :) Have a great evening!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Darnell said...

I'm so glad Michele was successful in getting you to get crafty, Brenda Dolly! I think your design thinking was spot on for this sketch and very clever!! You are too hard on yourself!! Thank you for the shoutout and your very sweet words. Love you, too! Auntie D

Tina Campbell said...

Sure is a cute card :) You did great with the sketch too :) Love the little paper plane sailing away :) Love to see you stretching your wings too :) Have a good day today :) Maybe a bit more craftiness with the cooler weather is in order :)

Veerle said...

I absolutely LOVE this Brenda. So cleverly made, I love what you did with the small paper airplane. Love it !!!!
Hugs Veerle xxx

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

What a clever take on the sketch Brenda . . . you do yourself down . . . you make fabulous cards and, I for one, couldn't think of a thing when I saw that sketch, so you're better than me at 'thinking outside the box' . . . I can see a winner here my friend! Remember, the only failure is not failure itself, but in not trying!! Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous, Brenda. I love the little paper airplane. It's so cute! (I really do love paper airplanes) The grandsons are always folding them. I even search for new ways to fold them. I still can't fly them worth a flip. But this card just makes me smile. Genius!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh this is one clever card, Brenda, I love it!
... really love the way you've done it..
I love how you think outside the square and come up with a twist on the card sketch with a paper plane!!
Really brilliant work and touches with the printed stamp used on the paper plane.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

PS meant to say I always get a chuckle at dear Darnell's posts ... must admit am bit bad dont always comment on them, I love hammy and his antics .. and some fun things at the big booboos, too ..
Am praying for you, dear friend.

Jo Williams Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator said...

This is a great card Bren... Love it! You did a great take on their sketch and I'm glad you gave it a go! Your card looks amazing!

Leslie Germain said...

Such a pretty card, Brenda. I LOVE everything about it!!! Just a perfect mix of colors and love the design!!! Sorry I haven't been around!!

Bonnie said...

You've rocked this sketch, Brenda! Love that paper airplane and the script on it! Brilliant!

Marlena M. said...

This is such a great design Brenda! Love what you did with this sketch~

Inkyfingers said...

What a lovely CAS design Brenda and a great take on the sketch. Love the curly dotted line on the sentiment - that is just how paper airplanes fly isn't it? I'm intrigued now about the one that didn't make the cut - lol!

Anita in France said...

Brilliant, Brenda ... and most definitely creative! What a cool CAS design ... such fab detailing on each element ... yep, brilliant! So pleased to see you creating ... it's not just Michele that's smiling! Hugs, Anita :)

Karen P said...

Brenda that's gorgeous! You don't realise that you have talent huni, now don't shush me, you have a natural way of bringing the elements together and keeping it classy and I love your card. In fact it will be pinned to my CAS board as I always need a bit of inspiration. As for Darnell she makes this blogging stuff so much fun and I just love Hammy and his family too Karen xx

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

I'm glad you made a card, it's a great take on the sketch Brenda, you do make such inspiring cards my friend. I agree that Darnell's posts always bring a smile or a laugh.

Love and hugs

jimlynn said...

It's fun, creative, and I love it!!! Love the clouds up there just floating by - right along with the paper airplane.

MaryH said...

This is _so_ cool! I would have been looking all over for an airplane stamp, and here you go - making your own paper plane with a vintage script paper. What an interesting way to say hello! You clever crafter, you. This is just darling, and you even added in the fluffy clouds. A marvelous take on this sketch! Proud of you! TFS & Hugs

I Card Everyone said...

I'm just home, Brenda! But had to come by, even though I'm late to the party!!! I am so happy to see this lovely at CTS!!! Thanks so much for playing along - and in such a beautiful, creative way!!! Biggest hugs right back to YOU!! xxx

cm said...

Good for Michelle for encouraging you to play at CAS(E) this Sketch! Good for YOU for listening, because your card is a gem! Your wee paper plane, spelling out a swirly hello in the blue sky, is marvelous! Perfect for the sketch! Guess you know what this means: we'll be expecting to see you playing over there more often. Everyone there is so sweet and welcoming!
Hugs to you, darling friend!