Monday, March 7, 2016

Thinking of You...

Hello my crafty friends, I hope you are having a wonderful week. It's a good one for me since it is spring break and our son is home for a week. Then only 8 more weeks of classes left. I can't believe he will have his second year under his belt. 

I haven't been in the mood to do much crafting, so things have been quiet on my blog. First off I fell when my son and I were emptying the hot tub and cleaning it. Yep, graceful I'm not and boy was my son mad at me. It was so weird, I took my sandles off and got in the hot tub. There was just a tad bit of water in the bottom. My son had bailed the two outer seats, so I thought I would dry them off and wipe them down. Just as I was turning around to go to the next seat, down I went. Trying to catch myself, I grabbed but of course everything was slippery and nothing to grab onto. So I have bruises all over my right side and somehow hurt my right foot on the side of it. My son walked away for a minute and when he heard me fall, he came running back finding me on my back in the water facing the sky. Then proceeded to yell at me because he told me to stay out of the hot tub. Yeah, I didn't listen and he wasn't a happy camper with me. After he helped me get out and I hobbled into the house to change out of wet my clothing. I was going to go back out, but my son yelled at me to sit down and then proceed to get me some ice to put on my foot. He finished the hot tub and refilled it. I took care of the chemicals the next morning, hobbling of course. Still hobbling....I think my guys might as well wrap me in bubble wrap! lol

So I've been resting my foot trying to get the swelling down, but it isn't going down to well. Might have to go see the doctor about it. Thus one of the reasons it has been quiet here on my blog. The other reason is because my heart just hasn't been into crafting. Part of me wants to, but the other part of me doesn't. Hard to because when hubby would go up to the farm, that is when I would get crafty. I still feel lost and haven't found my "new routine" yet. Another reason has been because of a lot of "firsts" so far this year. With one coming up this Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to attending a dinner, a dinner for farmers who have to attend to keep up their spraying license current. One I attended for 20 years with hubby, one that our son #2 is going to now and he wanted me to come as well. One where they will read the names of the farmers who have left this I'm not sure I'm ready for but will go for our son. So I've been...for a lack of a better word....sulking. Not quite the right word, but just can't think of the right word. So I haven't been into doing much in the crafty way. I did however had to make a sympathy card so I forced myself to do so. Thought I would enter a few challenges as well, which I don't do often but thought I would this time around. They will be listed in the end of this post.

I'm not very good at building a scene and clearly need more practice. I stamped my flowers and then masked them to stamp the jar. Yeah, you see the problem don't you?! I should have stamped my jar, masking the top rim of the jar and then my flowers. It looks like my flowers are on the outside of the jar right now, but it is what it is and I wasn't starting over....again. I embossed my outline of the jar and flowers with black embossing powder so when I watercolored them, it wouldn't run out of the lines. Yeah...need lots more practice with watercoloring. I used my Zig Real Brush markers to color my images that I stamped on watercolor paper. Used a snippet of pattern paper and a snippet of black paper. I also used a NBUS (Never Been Used Schtuff) as well.  Ok, can you tell I've not had anyone but the dog to talk to much?! lol Sorry for the long post and if you have stuck in here this long I thank you. As always thank you for visiting and sitting a spell with me.  I love your lovely comments, they make my day more brighter. I truly value your friendships and now here's my card:



My Creative Time "My Thoughts are with You" stamp and die set
My Creative Time "More Stitched Rectangular" dies
watercolor paper, not sure who makes it
cream colored card base-generic paper
scraps from my ever growing scrap pile

Snippets Playground  - use snippets on your project
NBUS - use never been used schtuff 
CAS Mix Up   Not sure if my card is CAS enough, but going to try to play along. 


Loll said...

Hi Brenda. Your flowers are really lovely and so is the watercolour on the jar. I have trouble with masking too ... always have a hard time trying to figure out what goes behind and what is in front. :) I so appreciate you taking the time to join in our first challenge at CAS Mix Up ... you did a wonderful job!

Sorry to hear about your fall, and getting in trouble from your son. It's funny when they take over the "parent role", isn't it?? :) He probably was so upset that you were hurt. Rest up and hopefully your foot will be healed soon.

I can only imagine how hard it is to find a new routine. Hopefully you'll take little steps to introduce some new things into your life that you enjoy, and eventually you'll have a routine that works for you most days. That is my hope for you. Take care. Loll xx

Tina Campbell said...

Beautiful card Brenda :) I think you did great with the masking :)
So sorry to hear of the fall and you feeling blue, but those kinds of yearly events is what really brings out the blues, I still get them once in awhile with Mom.
Will you be coming to pick up your boy?
Hugs and prayers of comfort and quick healing, Tina

Veerle said...

I like your card Brenda and the inside is just gorgeous. I am thinking of you my friend, please listen to your sons and take plenty of rest to get healed fully. Sending you lots of strength to go to that diner aswell. Here's a huge, big, fat hug to comfort you, Veerle XXXXXXXXXXXX

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Had a groan then a sigh then a chuckle as read your post dear Brenda, feeling it all along with you.
Firstly if your foot is till hurting now,as you read this and not improving you need to see a doctor ASAP. Okay? Xxx
Next so glad son was there when you fell, what blessing that was.

Sighed as thought of you and the emotional struggle of going to thy asp dinner, yes your son will need you there, and being needed is important very important Brenda, and really it is all part of the healing, for through all this sorrow, good will come.
Praying for you in it dear friend. God will hold your hand, so you can hold your sons. :D

Great card, I had to smile at your evaluation of it all as that was so me in making this card, I haven't had much practice in these stamp assembling things either, I don't use them for that very reason, well done on the NBUS used!!!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Di said...

I love this card Brenda! Wouldn't have even noticed about the flowers if you didn't say. Really pretty!

That sounds like a real ouch of an accident - hope you get that foot looked at!

Thank you for coming to play in the Snippets Playground :)


Di xx

Jo Williams Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator said...

Hey Brenda
Your card is so pretty... and it doesn't look bad at all.... it looks quite lovely actually.... :)

My heart aches for you honey .... reading your post and I was doing okay until the part where you said that you only have had the dog to talk to lately.... and then it hit me... made me tear up.... I know what you are going through is so hard and so foreign right now for you.... to have to go through day after day without your husband by your side in the physical aspect (because I know he is by your side in the spiritual aspect) ... I know that it's not easy getting out of that bed every morning either..... but I am proud of you for being strong and making the best of each new day that you are blessed with..... and I am very happy to know that Bret is going to be home with you for awhile now.... do your best to get through that dinner.... do it in honor of Dwayne... make him proud... :)

And although you don't feel the desire to want to craft much.... do your best to continue doing it... it will keep you in some sort of routine and it will eventually be a clutch to giving you back your life again... love you Bren.... always here for you.

I Card Everyone said...

Anytime, sweetie! I think this is totally worth one more try, Brenda-everything about it is gorgeous! One teensy bit of masking would do the trick - go for it, girlfriend! You've got this ... and I do mean ALL of it! Feel better soon! xx

Bonnie said...

I'm so glad you felt like crafting and joined us at CAS Mix Up! Love those pretty flowers and I always start out backwards masking. Great job on the water in the jar. I always get too heavy handed there.

Hope that foot heals without having to go to the Dr. What a blessing that your son was there to pick you up. Be careful.

I pray that each day will be a little easier and that soon you will find a comfortable routine. Hugs & prayers.

Kristie Goulet said...

Your card is super, Brenda! Great job masking!

So sorry to hear of your stuggles, continued prayers for you. If that foot doesn't feel better soon, make sure you get it check out. xoxo ♥

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

I think you have done a wonderful job here Brenda my dear friend! Masking and stamping is really difficult . . . you have to think 'backwards' and I'm rubbish at it! This is a lovely card! I am so very sorry to hear you are struggling and also that on top of that you have injured yourself too! My heart goes out to you my friend! You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! Take care of yourself and rest that foot! Luv n’ Hugs. Hazel xx
My Card Attic

Karen P said...

Beautiful card huni. I think you gave your poor son quite a fright hun! The only time the OH yells at me is when I've done something a bit dumb and stupid. I don't think things through so well at the moment (new meds) and it's how he expresses the worry and fright that he feels then.
Having said that you need to get that foot looked at now. If the swelling isn't improving there's a reason why. You are not sulking, you are in a 'funk/thunk' right now and waiting to find the way. Big hugs lovely lady Karen xx

Marilyn said...

Flute card!! Sorry to hear about your fall. Sending prayers

Lisa said...

Oh my friend, I am so sorry about your fall. Ouch. I hope the swelling and pain goes away soon. I'm glad your son was there with you to take care of you. I'm sorry you're feeling blue...I wish there was something I could say to help. Just know you are in my thoughts and always in my prayers.

Your card is stunning!! The flowers look amazing!! I love the jar!! You did such a beautiful job!! I love, love it!!

Take care of your foot. Big hugs sweet friend :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Carol L said...

I'm so sorry to learn you had a nasty spill, and hopefully your ankle/foot isn't seriously injured. Stuff happens, and we all have to take our knocks and just get through! Nobody said life was easy, so I understand your not wanting to do things and hopefully time will help heal the grief and pain you're feeling right now. Your card is very pretty and I see what you mean about the flowers being on the outside, but that's really an easy fix! Cut 2 slits on either side of the jar lid, and bring some ribbon through from back to front and tie it in a pretty little bow! Problem solved :) You could also paper piece a section of washi tape or dsp and cover that lid right up too, covering the floral stems at the same time!
I hope your crafting spark re-ignites one day soon, but we're not giving up on you, so don't you give up on yourself!! ((hugs))

MaryH said...

First: Not happy to hear you took a tumble, and got all bruised up. Hope you are feeling a bit better by the time I read this! Also, hang in there with the dinner tonight. I know it will be tough, but Dwayne would want you to go, and it will be good to join your #2 son as well. Second: You did a great job on the flowers in the mason jar. If you hadn't mentioned the masking sequence, no one would notice! You did an excellent job with the Zigs, and I bet next time, you'll remember the mask order. I've done the same thing so many times. It's a beautiful card, and the recipient won't notice what you think of, as a boo-boo. They will just remember you took the time to do something special in their grief! You hang in there. Big hugs & TFS. MM

Happy Dance said...

Here I am, late again. You know what junk is happening with me, so no need to explain that. But you fell. And child yelled. Girl, have you seen the dr. yet? Best think hard about a little trip to urgent care or a "walk in" clinic (no pun intended). Ice and elevate, and take some advil or naproxen to reduce the inflammation too. There... nursing duties done. Keep me posted tho. And I know exactly how you feel right now. Been there, done that. No fun. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. And that's easier said than done too. Sometimes we can only get through one task, and sometimes tasks wait till another day. But it's good that you're thinking about a new routine. Start easy. Say.... Get up in the morning, grab your robe and put the coffee on. Turn on the news or read the paper. Have a cuppa, or two, then breakfast if you eat it. Get cleaned up, then pick one chore to do; and make it a small one. After you get this down, add stuff to your routine. Concentrate on doing those things every morning, and over the course of time, you'll have a daily thing going. Crafting will come when it's time. Don't worry about that. We're here for you and always will be.
Now to your very pretty card... I love those flowers, and you've colored them beautifully. The jar looks fine, and to me, the flowers look like they're just up against the side of the jar. Love the water you've added. Such a pretty card. You go girl. Wanna come for a visit? We'd laugh and craft all day long! Hugs, my friend. Bev

Anita in France said...

Brenda, I do hope your foot is better by the time you read this ... and if not, that you've got medical advice so that you're not hobbling. Your card is so pretty .. those sweet blooms are beautifully coloured ... and so eyecatching that if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed the blip with the jar! Wishing you a little more light in your life each day, my friend ... take your time ... and be gentle with yourself. Crafting will happen when you're ready ... and we'll be here when it does. Hugs & prayers, Anita :)

scrappymo! said...

Hope you feel better soon Your son just yelled because he was scared...scared of you being hurt and in pain. He probably blames himslef now for not watching you

Rest, relax and elevate that foot! Ice and more Ice.

I hope the banquet goes well...the only silver lining I can think of is that it might be good for you to see the other farmers and their wives. You can get isolated during grieving and friends always help with that.

Your son sounds like such a gem...yelling and all!!!

I like you card and think the suggestion of a ribbon would be perfect!
I don't even know how to mask so would have done the same as you!

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

The card is very pretty Brenda, the lovely bright flowers are gorgeous. The masking bit doesn't really draw attention.

I hope that you're foot is better and that the bruising has gone down. My heart goes out to both you and your son, he must have been so frightened.

Lots of love and gentle hugs

cm said...

Sweet Brenda! First, apologies for my tardy commenting, but here I am and oh my!! Quite the experience with your fall in the hot tub; good thing your son was there to 'bail' you out, but ouch with your foot! Hopefully, it's on the mend by now...and if not, well, I'm adding my voice to all the others who care about you (we're kind of 'mothering' you, aren't we *grin*): off to the doctor! Carrying on in pain doesn't sound like fun, although I suspect you're much like me: hoping that 'whatever' will take care of itself. Still: better to know and find out what treatment may speed along the process. I know exactly what you mean about trying to establish a 'new' routine, as I watched my mom go through the same experience. She has a few things figured out (her volunteer activities at the nearby senior center) but...she's pretty much quit driving, partly because it makes her anxious to go places on her own (she was accustomed to taking my dad to his various appointments) and partly because...well, just because. Fortunately, my siblings are great at picking her up on their various grocery-shopping, errand-running jaunts, so she has outings...but still, she spends a lot of time on her own. Maybe, once the roads are clear and dry, we'll see her out and about again...maybe. I've invited her 20 million times to come our direction and spend as long as she wants with us, however...always an excuse, which just boils down to: she's not ready to leave the 'security' of home for the time being. Perhaps, some day she'll be ready; and if not, well, I'll just carry on heading her way as often as I can.

I think Bev and the others have given you wonderful advice: one step at a time. Your hurt is still very, very fresh, Brenda; go at your own pace. The dinner is, I think, an opportunity for you to be with others who love your husband and for that reason, I encourage you to attend. Yes, it will be difficult in some respects, but affirming in others, knowing that you are not alone. I'm glad your son wants you to be his 'date'...dress up, smile, cry, share memories, tell stories...I believe it will be healing for you. Oh...wait a second! D-uh me! I just checked the date of your post, which means the dinner's already happened! Details please (and oh, how tightly crossed my fingers are that you went...).
Now, about this card of yours: I LOVE it! The flowers are perfectly positioned where they are, in my view...set gently against the jar before they're placed inside. To be honest, had you not said anything, I wouldn't have noticed the 'masking', because I'm totally enraptured by your gorgeous colouring! As for masking: I'm with you! Mental gymnastics required!
Hmmm...Sorry for the 'novel' length note! Apparently I have lots of chatter in me, too! Wish we lived closer...I could give you real hugs and a real shoulder to lean on! Since we don't know that I'm here for you regardless! Sending you big squeezy hugs and lots of love! Thank you for being such a special friend...
Hugs and love,

Sharon said...

I think your card turned out great!! Love the colors and your coloring is just fine!! :)

Darnell said...

Well, hmmm. I am just going back over my NBUS Challenge to catch those I missed and make sure they are all pinned. I could have sworn I left a comment here already. I either dreamed it, wrote to you personally, am losing it, or wrote it and then clicked off without clicking to post it. Don't laugh, I've been doing that lately!

Anyway, you know how grateful I am that you got crafty and playing in my NBUS Challenge, Brenda! Your sweet country bouquet of flowers in a jar is absolutely perfect, especially for this first day of spring!! I hope your foot is all better!! I'm keeping you in my prayers! Love and hugs, Auntie Darnell

D- said...

Thanks for sharing your GORGEOUS card.
Crafty hugs,