Tuesday, August 4, 2015

CAT Scan News

Hello my sweet and wonderful crafty friends. It is with a heavy heart I come to you all today. We got the results of hubby's CAT scan and it wasn't good news. Which I was afraid was going to be the case as the fevers came back Saturday and hubby has had them everyday since. I was also worried about the pain in his back. I was and still am praying that it is just the arthritis in his back that is causing the pain. The treatments shrank some of the tumors, other tumors it did not and it let more new tumors come. I don't understand how it could shrunk some and not others or even to tell new ones come, it just doesn't make sense to me. But hubby's oncologist said he thought it would play out this way. Therefore he is stopping treatments, which of course he already did the last time we were there. That's why there wasn't a treatment yesterday. Hubby told him about his back pain he has been having and sure enough there was suspicious spots on his spine. Doc is afraid that the cancer may have moved into his spine and if that is the case he wants hubby to do radiation. So Friday hubby go for a bone scan and an MRI. We won't get the results until Tuesday as doc will be out of town until Monday. Doc wants hubby to still contact Hopkins and get in on a study there. Doc doesn't want hubby to mention the fevers, especially since he has been getting in the late afternoon/evening hours. So hubby called down to Hopkins and the one study is closed because it is full. Ok, we thought that it wasn't meant to be for that study. I am however praying hard that he can get into some kind of study. I don't think the first study was the study that the JH doctor wanted him in anyway. I just need him in something receiving some kind of treatment. I feel that we have hope if he is being treated, crazy as that sounds since most of the treatments he has receive haven't helped shrink the cancer. I'm desperate and more than prepared to beg them to take him at Hopkins. So that is where we are at right now. I don't know how often I will be posting, I don't know how much I will be commenting but you all will be in my thoughts and I will be around as my emotions let me. Not in a good place right now, but still some hope there. I know I have no right to ask, as you all have been wonderful with your prayers, but could you still keep hubby in your prayers? I'm just not ready to lose him!

Thank you for all the prayers you have been saying for hubby!! And thank you for taking the time to follow along on this journey with us. It will be two years come Oct when we started this journey and it has been a very emotional one the whole time. 


Carol L said...

Brenda, there are just no words I can think of to ease your mind right now. What you're facing is unimaginably difficult and emotional, but I would still encourage you to hold onto hope. Think of Valerie Harper for an example. She was given no hope 2 years ago and is still going strong, and she's one of many. I know it's probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to do, but try to think positive and I will definitely keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Sending big comforting hugs your way and remaining hopeful for a good outcome even with this latest round of bad news.

Lisa said...

Oh, my friend, I am so, so sorry the news wasn't better. You don't have to ask - you and your hubby are in my daily prayers. I will also pray that you are able to find a study for him with treatment that will work. I am thinking of you, Brenda. Don't even worry about commenting...we all understand. Sending lots of comforting and hopeful hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

MaryH said...

Sweet Child, I can't say anything a bit better than Carol did, so I'm echoing her thoughts too. Now that you've posted this, I will put a prayer request on my blog post that I just did. Hold tight and hold each other. Big hugs & many prayers will continue. MM

Veerle said...

Oh my sweet Brenda, I am so sorry for you and your hubby. But as Carol also said, please do not give up hope yet. A very good friend of me has been fighting her cancer for 11 years. Unfortunatly she lost the fight beginning of this year. But when the doctors gave up on her I still have had her as my dear friend for another 9 years. She was a fighter never complained and i am so grateful she was my friend. I will keep you and hubby in my thoughts my dear. And now wrap your arms around you and squeeze....... That was ME giving you a huge, big hug. Sending you love my dear, Veerle xxx

Anita in France said...

I'm so, so sorry that the news has not been good for Dwayne and you. Allow your spirits to be lifted by all the prayers from your friends all over the world ... and do keep on hoping ... the Good Lord will help you both through. Keeping you always in my daily prayers, my friend. Hugs, Anita xox

Loll said...

Dear Brenda. I’m so sorry to hear that the news from Dwayne’s CAT scan wasn’t good. I can only imagine how devastating this has been. I hope and pray that D will be accepted into one of the studies at JH and that there will be improvement for him. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Sending love and hugs to you both. xx

Leslie Germain said...

Oh Brenda!! My heart goes out to you!! Will definitely keep him and you in my prayers!! sending you (hugs) xoxo

Bonnie said...

Oh, Brenda, my heart goes with you and Dwayne! You are often in my thoughts and always in my prayers (which will be doubling as of now!). Stay strong and keep that hope in your heart. Heart hugs.

Vickie said...

I can't add anything else that everyone else has said. Prayers and lots of hugssssssss for you and Dwayne. I will be just a phone call away if you need to talk or cry or just scream.

Hugs my dear dear Friend.

Anonymous said...

Brenda, like everyone else, the prayers will continue. Hoping for some kind of treatment and some relief from the fevers and pain. I agree with you, if he is getting treatment there is hope. Praying for good new on the bone scan and MRI. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.

Marilyn said...

Oh Brenda, I am so sorry to hear the news about your husband. Stay strong and Keep praying. Sending prayers to your husband and family.

My Card Attic: Hazel said...

I have sent you an e-mail my sweet friend! Hazel xx

Tina Campbell said...

Brenda and family my heart goes out to you, just said a little prayer for you and Dwayne and will keep saying prayers, I can never imagine what your feeling right now but if I ever end up in the same spot I hope I'm half as strong as your are. God has entrusted you with great strength during your husband and your family time of need and I know that he is guiding and comforting you somehow right now. Prayers of brighter days ahead and that there is an opening for one of the studies soon. (((((((Big hugs my friend))))) Tina

Kellie 0:) said...

Oh Brenda - sending you lots of love and prayers from the land of Oz. I have no idea how difficult this must be for you all.

Hugs my friend

Cheriwy said...

Dear Brenda, Prayers are being offered for you and your beloved hubby and there is never a time when you have no right to ask. It is a privilege to offer prayers for you--you are so sweet and giving. Wish I could wrap you in a hug now. Know that you are loved. Cheri

Brenda in IN said...

I'm so sorry the results weren't better. My prayers are with you both every day and hope he can get in a study at Hopkins. We aren't in charge and don't know why things happen like they do. If you aren't here we know you're spending quality time together. Hugs.

Karen P said...

Praying very hard for both of you right now huni. Don't worry about the commenting we are all hoping you will get your wonderful DH onto a good study. I have not been through this and that makes me feel so inadequate with what words to say. You know where we are if you need us huni, there is a lot of love in blogland for you and your family. Sending prayers, light, love and hope to your family my sweet friend Karen xx

D- said...

Oh my Brenda I am so sorry that you both are going through this right now. I know you are trying to be strong for your husband but please remember to take care of yourself. I can see by this post date he has had his MRI and you have received his results. I am praying the news was good. You, your husband and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending healing hugs,

Cocoa's Mom said...

Just to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at this challenging time in your lives. Sending virtual hugs. Christine

moknowsall said...

I pray for you and love you. May God listen to everyone's prayers.
