Sunday, April 26, 2015

No Hopkins for a 3rd Time

Its a no go to Hopkins for the third time. I was really praying that the third time was the charm. But it isn't to be. Hubby is still running a fever and it seems to be a little higher than it was. His port is not infected thank God and he has no infection in his blood. So where is this fever coming from? Well that's the million dollar question. The local oncologist said that it could take up to 3 weeks for a viral fever to go away. Well Saturday was 3 weeks, or close to it. Then he said that the cancer tumors could be causing the fever, though it rarely happens. we sit, hubby being miserable with a burning pain in his belly and me being nervous and just trying to make him comfortable. I'm at my wits end as we have been to the family doctor 3 times and all tests come back fine and we've been to the local oncologist with all test coming back fine. I'm ready to just take him to the emergency room of our local hospital, not sure that will make a difference but we need to find out what is going on. Now I just have to talk hubby into going. He has said if he is still in pain tomorrow he will go so I will be holding him to it! That's the update, will update again when we have something to go on. Thanks for holding us up in your prayers, it sure means the world to us as well as your support to me. Crafty hugs, Brenda


Veerle said...

Oh dear, Brenda this is so heart breaking to read. I feel so so sorry for your hubby and for you. For us it's easy to say hang in there but for both of you...
So sorry you're having such a hard time. Sending you lots of love and a bundle of hugs,
Veerle xxxx

Carol L said...

Again, it's sad to hear your hubby is still running a low-grade fever. If all tests come back negative, and he's still feeling pain (especially in his stomach) PLEASE have him tested for Lyme's disease! I've known 2 people who went without being diagnosed until it was in advanced stages and suffered terrible pain and illness for months! Avril Levine had it and thought she was dying! I'd ask to have him tested if nothing else shows up on the tests and he continues to feel pain and sickness! Keeping fingers crossed for you both!

Lisa said...

Oh Brenda, I am so sorry you couldn't make it to Hopkins and that your hubby is still running a fever and hurting. I am praying for you both so much. I pray that his pain goes away and the fever goes down. I know this is hard on you, too. Praying for God to continue to give you the strength you need. Hugest comforting hugs my sweet friend.

A Mermaid's Crafts

Vickie said...

So sorry that this is a no go yet again and that Dwayne is still running a fever. If he lets you take him to the emergency room tell them that you want a ultra sound of his stomach and this way they can see if something in his stomach is causing the fever. YOU T3ELL THEM this is what you want,because every thing else is coming back normal.

Glenda said...

So sorry to hear your husband is still running fever. Praying for him and you!

D- said...

Oh sweetie I was so hoping that fever would go away. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.
Sending a big hug your way.

Susan Edwards said...

Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear that Dwayne still has the fever. I cannot imagine how frustrated and anxious you both are right now. I was so hoping that he was at Hopkins and things were improving. Well I will continue to pray that the the source of the fever is found and treated and that life might move in a more positive direction for you both. Love you!!

Anita in France said...

Sending big hugs, Brenda ... and praying for you both that you get some relief and a solution, so Dwayne can go ahead to Hopkins. Hugs to you, my friend, Anita :)

Di said...

Oh this is heartrending news Brenda. I agree with all the comments above, particularly about Lyme's disease testing. Keeping you in my thoughts here!


Di xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Brenda. This is nuts. I would think they would be doing everything possible to find out what's causing the fever and pain. Y'all are always in my prayers. Now I think I need to include the doctors so they will find out what's going on.
Hang in there, my friend. If he's still hurting, I hope he goes to the emergency room.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Dear Brenda,
I am so glad you popped over, as then I popped back and caught up to date. Must look to see if you have an email link.
So sorry re temp, praying for a miracle of mercy for you and your dear hubby, for temp to come down, please Lord.
I have bookmarked it so hopefully that might help me pop over. Praying for pain to be eased or dealt with too.
Gentle bloggy hugs,
Shaz in Oz.x

scrapqueen141 said...

We will be praying for you and your husband Brenda! Hugs!

Karen P said...

Brenda, I have no clue what to say or how to help - just know that you are in my prayers huni, sending you huge big soft hugs Kaen x

Sue said...

Oh Brenda you must be at your wits end and I sure know how that feels..I'll keep your family in my prayers. Lots and lots of huggles Sue xxx

Brenda in IN said...

Oh Brenda, I feel so bad for you guys. I hope they find the reason for the fever soon. I know he is suffering and in pain and still waiting for treatment to start. This is so hard. Did he go to the hospital today and did they find anything to help you out? You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

cm said...

What a frustrating, odd and curious fever your husband has (I keep hoping they all have their thermometers wrong!). Prayers to St. Anthony that the source of the fever is found, easily remedied and the study goes ahead. Time for the task of healing to begin! Prayers galore, love in abundance, hugs of the most squeeziest kind!

Sharon said...

Sending up prayers that God will take this fever out of Dewayne's body!!!

Jo Williams Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator said...

Oh gosh Brenda I am so sorry to hear this. There has to be an answer, someone has to have an answer for you and for him. I have never heard of anyone having a fever for that long!! I think taking him in to the ER would be a good call, maybe you can get a little bit more testing done there and hopefully some answers. You guys are in my prayers and I hope you get some news. Stay strong my friend.

Tina Campbell said...

Oh dear Brenda so sorry to hear this is happening right now. No answers from the doctors don't help neither. God must have another plan happening for you all and of course we have to somehow be patient to find out what it is (which is super hard for us humans!
Prayers will continue my friend and prayers that God opens up the eyes of the Drs to find out what is causing this new problem. Hugs my friend

Sybrina K said...

Brenda, So sorry to hear this news. Sending more thoughts and prayers your way.

MaryH said...

Sending prayers and Big, Big Hugs. God bless. MM

Loll said...

I'm so sorry Brenda. I'm late seeing this and hope by now that your hubby has been to ER and been helped. How devastating to both of you to have to keep postponing JH. Sending hugs to you both. xx