
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

NBUS Challenge

Hello my crafty friends! Well months have passed again without any posts or comments from me. I'm very sorry, blogging just hasn't been my thing right now. As I've said before, mowing and taking care of the outside keeps me busy as well and even though I'm not looking forward to winter coming, I am looking forward to no outside maintenance. lol I have also been struggling with being anemic (from my fall and broken ribs, had internal bleeding)-so very tired and sleepy and just feeling funky. But I put myself on iron pills, went through this several years back so knew what to do, and the iron pills are helping. Just gonna take time to build myself back up. I am trusting in the good Lord that he will heal me and keep me going. 

I have come cards for you today. The same but different if you know what I mean. They are all sympathy cards, been making way to many of them here of late! I wish I could say that I was just mass producing these for my stash, but I wasn't. I needed 3 for family members so I kept them similar just changing the sentiment on the front and the flower. Saw this idea on Pinterest, so  NOT my idea at all. I used distress oxides for my "sunsets". First time bleeding with them and how I am loving them. Only stamped with them before which I love them for stamping as well. As always my recipe will be down below. I used a NBUS stamp set as well so I think if I hurry I can get in under the wire for Darnell's NBUS challenge. I believe and could be wrong, that today is the last day of it. 

Well that is it for me today. Not sure when I will be back around right now. My life just seems to be moving in a different direction right now. I do look to see what you have been up to, just not commenting. For that I'm sorry, like I said just to much going on and just struggling to keep up with life. Winter might change that though. As always I thank you for your sweet comments, they really do mean the world to me but understand when you can't comment. Just taking the time to stop by is wonderful to me as I'm not a "number's" gal. 

 They all say the same thing on the inside.

Crafty hugs,

Card Recipe:
Distress oxide inks - fossilized amber, spiced marmalade, wilted violet, faded jeans, black soot
Inkadinkado - Meadow stamps-NBUS-silhouettes
Maymay Made It - Your Faith is Showing-NBUS-outside and inside sentiment
My Creative Time - Believe in Your Dreams - with sympathy sentiment
My Creative Time - Stitched Rectangular Frame Dies and More


  1. These are beautiful and I'm glad to see a post from you again - even if it's only an occasional thing. The inked skies are gorgeous with the silhouette images. Do take care of yourself in the meantime and just put one foot in front of the other :)

  2. Darling Brenda, a mega-watt smile brightened my face when your post popped up on my Feedly! We'll start with your cards that are absolutely gorgeous. No doubt they touched, deeply, the people seeking beauty and spirit-lifting in their time of need. I understand 110% your need to step back from blogging/commenting to focus on things that are right in front you. Making cards, photographing, posting, commenting can be equally as stressful as they may be stress-relieving, depending on so many 'outside' factors. You're doing what you need to do: healing you and, for now, that takes the form of engaging - or not engaging - with crafting whenever you want...and with zero guilt! We understand and please know we're always always here for you! I, too, have had periods of missing out on commenting on special friends' posts - (like yours and for that a kazillion apologies) life gets hectic - but I've decided that I'll do the best I can when I can. The same goes for you! I love you and think of you often! Keep taking those iron pills; we want you full of zip and zest! Our Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend, so today, I'm giving thanks that YOU are in my life!
    Hugs and love,

  3. Oh Brenda I hear you - I too am finding that keeping up is hard work - thankfully I have the lawns mowed, and have had for some years now on medical grounds (RSI, Carpel tunnel and cubital tunnel syndromes) but there are still the gardens and the house work.
    I love visiting you and am sorry to hear you have been under the weather some.
    Your cards are beautiful - and there are seasons when we seem to need too many sympathy cards :-(
    Blessings and prayers

  4. Oh Brenda...these are very special Sympathy cards. The sentiments are so special and will bring comfort.
    I like the distress ink backgrounds.They suit the stamped images so well.

    I titally understand how life keeps you busy at the moment. I am going thru something similar and that and my health are keeping me away from blogging too.

    I am glad to hear you posted to the NBUS challenge as there are so many fabulous prizes and I will pray that one has your name on it!!!

    Thanks for your kind words about my daughters move near to us and her vintage trailer. My other daughter, son-in-law, and 2 grandkids live 6 houses south of us and this eldest daughter lives 12 doors west of us. We are so blessed to have them both so close. Younger daughter walks the dog each evening and always stops at ours fora dog biscuit. They then walk to eldest daughters and have a wee visit or walk the dog together. They are camping together so it is great for the grandkids to have Auntie so close by!

  5. Gre-e-e-e-e-eat work dear sweet sis!! Well done YOU!!! Great idea.. I’ve just needing to remember it!... brain does not retain.
    Oh siggggh just realised I’ve missed the NBUS challenge too, I’ve been unwell hence no blogging and truly intended to catch NBUS and last Rudolph day but missed both, not to worry my card today used NBUS too.
    Re non commenting I’m totally guilty it that area this year. Life is a constant merry-go-round. Things to do, etc.. and more commitments family wise as well.
    Figure God knows and gives us what He sees best.
    I’m reading through John, in my read through bible in year, and read this today in ch 13, think it’s about v 9... how it blessed me yet again. “ know not hat I do now, but ye shall know hereafter”. One day it will all make sense, then it really won’t matter we’ll be with our glorious Saviour Friend and Lord, am definitely those who’ve all gone on before us, near and dear ones... . What a day of rejoicing that will be.. 😊
    Hugs and prayers dear precious Brenda,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  6. Dear, dear Brenda! I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling so drained lately. I do hope you will be back 100% fighting fit soon! I am also sorry to hear that you have needed so many sympathy cards for your family. They are beautiful, so serene looking and perfect for it's intended purpose. Your blending is just amazing. The more I see of the DO, the more I'm tempted, although I have been 'shying' away from them (as I just know I will have to have every colour and I have so many other inks). I will be thinking of you and praying for you and your family! Take the time to heal, both physically, and in your heart,and don't worry about commenting. We are going nowhere and will still be here for you, when you feel ready to return! Take care dear friend. Love and healing hugs coming your way!Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  7. Brenda it is so good to see you post!!!! Such a big smile on my face :)
    Sounds like life is definitely taking you into a different direction and you should never ever apologize for that. Things happen for a reason and there could be a reason why your life is turning into a new path for now. Just keep doing what you are, and life will bring you back to blogging again when it's time. I am glad you are still getting a little crafting done, whether or not you are blogging about it but so sorry that you have had to create sympathy cards. Very sorry for your losses.

    Please keep in touch. Your friendship is special to me and I am sorry that I haven't been emailing much ... my health has been an issue for me. Life takes us on one hell of a ride sometimes, doesn't it? :)

    Your cards are gorgeous though hon... you haven't lost touch with your creative side! Absolutely gorgeous! Much love to you, miss you my friend.

  8. Your cards are gorgeous!! Take care of yourself. Sending prayers

  9. These are all gorgeous cards, sorry for the need for them though. ♥ I think of you often and lift you up in prayer. Thankful for you! Hugs and love, Kristie

  10. So glad to hear from you :) Totally get you on the outside maintenance that is what usually slows down my blog in the summer time :) So sorry to hear you fell and broke your ribs! Prayers for quick healing :) Love the cards they are so pretty. Hugs my friend, Tina

  11. Never worry; life isn't a straight line! We know you're there, and we think of you, and we'll be right here always! You're one of those special people out there in blogland - true story. Caring for DH has been cutting into my crafting and commenting time, but it is what it is. Hope you're feeling better, too. Keep taking your FE pills, and heal well dear heart. As much as none of us likes to make them, sympathy cards are a necessity. Your trio have turned out beautifully, and express your love and caring perfectly. They are really lovely. Thinking of you often.... Bev

  12. Hi Brenda,
    oh my word you have been through the mill poor thing.
    I do hope you will soon be feeling much better.
    Love your wonderful cards and their designs and inking is brilliantly created.
    Such a pity they are for such sad occasions as I think we all hate making these types of cards.
    i keep saying I must make some to put in my box ready for such occasions, but never seem to get around to it or is just I don't want to think of those occasions unless I have to.
    Talk about burying my head in the sand or what.
    Love and big crafty hugs to help you get better soon. Jenny L.

  13. The design on these - and the cards themselves - are outstanding and so beautiful! I'm going to have to CASE that design! Love these.

  14. Your cards are just beautiful, Brenda. I love the blended backgrounds. And the sentiments are perfect. Just continue to take care of yourself. Sending hugs and prayers to you.

  15. Look at all the love! Isn't that wonderful? That's the best part about blogging! I'm so sorry that you ended up with some internal bleeding. I was afraid of that and I'm glad you didn't do anything worse, I guess. You are one tough little cookie! I'm happy that you won't have to do as much physical labor over the winter months. Your body will appreciate the rest and I'm hoping you will want to get back into blogging, but I understand if you don't.

    I am very appreciative that you took some time to hop into my NBUS Challenge #12! That was very sweet of you! I'm so sorry that you have needed several sympathy cards. I truly love your design and have to say you took to blending the Oxies like a duck to water! Brilliant!!

    Take care, my dear, and stay on your feet! Love, Auntie

  16. Good to see these beautiful cards from you tonight. So sorry for the reasons you had to make them...but what a marvelous job you've done with the blending of these inks. Made a particularly lovely sunset to back the pretty silhouette flowers. Glad to hear the iron is helping you. Big hugs and prayers coming your way. Sometimes we just have to let Life have its way, and put one foot in front of the others. You hang in there...soon you can cozy down and stay inside with Miss S. TFS

  17. Your cards are so beautiful brenda and so sereen, love them. Sorry to read they were not for your stach but that you actually needed them. My thoughts go out to you my friend, I wish you weren't struggling so hard but I totally understand. I hope you will feel better the comming time although winter doesn't help with it's gloomyness and darkness. Thinking of you a lot my friend. Sending you a huge cuddle and lots of love. Veerle xxxx

  18. Hi brenda! I'm sorry to hear you've not been well and i hope you feel better soon. Your cards are beautiful and the sentiment is perfect. I'm sure they will be very much appreciated. I agree with some of the other commenters that blogging can be stressful, not to mention time consuming, which is why i also don't get around to commenting. If only there were more hours in the day and more energy than i have. :) take care and i look forward to your posts, whenever you can.

  19. Brenda I was so delighted to find your post in my inbox! Gorgeous cards - fabulous blending!! and I adore the use of silhouette stamping - why haven't I ever done it??
    You are often in my thoughts - sometimes I even feel you sitting on my shoulder... feel better, my friend! xx

  20. Beautiful and serene cards. Just perfect.

  21. It's so good to hear from you Brenda and I'm glad to hear that you are just too busy with life to blog rather than you are poorly. This collection of cards is just stunning and the blended backgrounds are perfect. I'm just sorry that you needed three of them for family members and hope that your family is okay.
    Carol x

  22. Lovely to see you, Brenda ... and to hear you're taking care of yourself and building yourself up again little by little. Never worry about not being around ... sometimes life takes us in different directions for a while ... we'll be here when you are! I'm sorry you needed these sympathy cards ... they are simply gorgeous and will have given such comfort to the recipients with those beautiful sentiments! Hugs, Anita :)

  23. Hi Brenda. I'm so sorry that life has given you more challenges of late. Rest up and get strong, my friend. It's wonderful to see that you are making cards, which is always a positive thing. The three cards are really beautiful and you've done an amazing job with the blended backgrounds and gorgeous silhouette images. So sad that you had to make these for lost loved ones.

    Thinking of you and sending a soft gentle hug. Take care. Loll xx

  24. Hello, my dear friend!! I've been away and just now had the chance to visit you!! Your cards are absolutely stunning and I am definitely CAS-ing them!! They are gorgeous!! I'm thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and prayers your way!! Have a great evening!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  25. Sorry I've taken so long to leave you a comment Brenda I'm so sorry you had a fall and hope you are on the road to recovery really soon. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous they are stunning. I know how hard it is to try and comment when there is so much going on but remember there are lots of us that really care and it was great to see you here again. Take care and I will keep you in my prayers lots of huggles Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  26. Beautiful, serene cards, Brenda! Love the backgrounds and the pretty wildflower silhouettes! The sentiments are so perfect! Take care of yourself and get back to 100% soon! xoxo

  27. I'm so glad you popped in with an update. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and regroup. It takes time to heal and with the work you have to get done that is a little harder. I hope winter brings you warmth and comfort and a chance to be inside, rest and maybe even craft a bit. These cards are just lovely. I always hate the reason for a sympathy card but these will bring peaceful thoughts and healing. The backgrounds are stunning. Good wishes, my friend.

  28. It's so good to see you Brenda~your cards are lovely, as is you. :)

  29. Oh Brenda, what a time you've been having. I just caught up on your news and hope very much that you're on the way to feeling better. These cards are gorgeous, albeit for sad occasions. Enjoy your trip South! Take care.


    Di xx

  30. Brenda, your cards are so stunning. It was so nice to hear from you again. I hope you continue healing and feeling better. I will pray for your speedy recovery.

  31. Your cards are beautiful and I am sure will give some comfort to those that receive them.
    I too don't blog or create as much in the warmer months, but now that winter is fast approaching, it is time for me to hibernate and create as I say, teehee.
    I also know the effects of being anemic and can sympathize with you....take it easy.

  32. Being such a BAD Blogger, I've caught up, these are fabulous cards Brenda, I love the sunset. I have also caught up with your ribs, what an awful time you had.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda