
Saturday, July 22, 2017


Hello my crafty friends, I came on to give an update on why I haven't been blogging. It's been a challenging summer thus far and I can't believe summer will soon be over. I have been elderly sitting and babysitting an 11 year (almost 12) old girl. The end of June I got some kind of virus and passed out in my bathroom. Woke on the floor, spent the day in bed and on the toilet and the girl that I babysit took care of Savannah for me. Then Bret came home from work and took care of me giving me a pill that he was given for vomiting and diarrhea. I didn't vomit, just had the dry heaves, but was really sick the other way. Then after I was better I was playing outside with Savannah and we came in but she wouldn't give up her frisbee. So instead of waiting until she dropped it, I fought her for it like a dummy. She lost grip and bit to get a hold of it again and bit me. So had a nasty bit on my finger in three places. Was afraid she did nerve damage, but there wasn't. Doctored that, the nail is peeling back and has to grow out but all is good there. Got over that and then on the  6th of July I took Savannah out around 7:30 pm to go potty and thought while I was out I would empty the skimmer basket on the pool. Well as we rounded the pool there sat a bunny. Yep, Savannah and I both saw it at the same time, only Savannah is much quicker than me and she took off slamming me to the ground really hard as the leash left my hand. Broke ribs on both sides. Took a good while to get my breath back and finally got myself up off the ground. Emptied the skimmer basket and got the mail and came in and sat down in a lot of pain. So now I'm on my third week of healing and finally can move without a lot of pain. Can sleep in bed now too, just can't sleep on my sides. Driving is ok, but uncomfortable and Bret is doing the mowing for me. So in the meantime my elderly lady had a heart attack the end of June. Now she is back home, but the family wanted me to take a month to heal before coming back. I just hope she lasts until I get back there! So that has been my summer-not a good one at all. So no crafting going on here except for a few birthday cards I made. I am also late in getting out some birthday cards, but plan to still get them out. I didn't have my car for two weeks as Bret was using it while his was getting worked on, didn't matter as when I broke the ribs I couldn't drive anyway. But need to get out to the post office now and get my cards mailed. Not sure when I will get back to crafting as I also bit the bullet and cleaned out all of Dwayne's clothing and donated it to the Purple Heart. They came and picked up everything on the 5th of July. I am gathering more stuff up to donate as well. But on a cleaning out mission when I broke my ribs and want to get back to it as soon as I'm able. So if you don't see me on here, this will be why. Will be back when I have it all together! lol Then maybe I can get back to normal here with posting and commenting. Please know that I miss you all very much!!!!!

Crafty hugs,

Card Recipe:


  1. Oh, Brenda. You have had a terrible summer. I'm so sorry for all the trouble you've had. Illness and then two injuries ... it's just too much. You need to take it easy and heal. Thank goodness for Bret and the girl that helped with Savannah.

    Things will get better from now on! I just know it! Sending you a soft and gentle hug so I don't hurt your ribs. Get better, my friend! xx

  2. So sorry to hear that you've had an awful couple of months, Brenda. Hope you are fully recovered soon. Sending (((hugs))) from across The Pond. xx

  3. I have been thinking a lot of you and doing nothing about it, what an awful time you have had, don't things come all at once? Take care and get well soooooon.

  4. Oh my goodness Brenda, I'm so sorry life has been so chaotic for you recently! All of these mishaps are so hard to deal with, and I don't envy you having the pain of broken ribs! I assumed life just got hectic for you, but I had no idea you've had such bad luck this summer! Just take good care of yourself and come back whenever you feel up to it. In spite of all that's happened, you are getting stronger! Sending my biggest, warmest and most gentle hugs as you recover from your injuries and put one foot in front of the other. Please know that I care :)

  5. and here I thought you were just having too much fun to post!!! OH MY GOODNESS how can so much happen so quickly? You poor, darling thing - wish I could come take care of you! Take it easy, Brenda ... we miss YOU, too! but just know that I will keep you in my prayers.

  6. Hi Brenda,
    oh my word you poor thing you have had one hell of a summer.
    Here's hoping you have no more accidents, and that you are soon feeling much better and out of pain.
    Thank you for letting us know about your absence, and never worry about us in the crafting community as we all understand that home life is the most important to any of us.
    Love and big crafty gentle hugs from my house to yours. Jenny L.

  7. Oh my goodness Brenda!! you have been threw a lot my friend. Please take care of yourself and I hope you will be on the mend and back to crafting and doing what you love. It sounds as if you have had a horrendous time :( and I know only too well what 'accident's you can have with a doggy at the end of a leash. Lots of best wishes and gentle hugs Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Oh gosh, Brenda, I'm so sorry it's been a challenging summer for you. I hope you aren't in pain any longer. I'm thinking of you, sweet friend, and keeping you in my prayers. I hope the rest of the summer is a great one for you. Sending lots of big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. Oh my goodness, Brenda, you've been having such a tough time ... do hope that the rest of the summer will be much, much better ... and that you'll have chance to enjoy at least some of it. Wishing you a speedy recovery ... and hope that your cleaning mission goes well. Look forward to seeing you when you're better and ready. Keeping you in my prayers, my friend! Hugs, Anita :)

  10. You have really had a time of it, Brenda! Hopefully you will be in for a spell of good health! Thoughts and prayers go with you.

  11. Thank you for the update to let us all know why you have been missing from Blogland, Brenda. Not only missing, but missed by many! This is a hobby that is all about giving to others as we make cards to send out, but sometimes we ourselves need cards and prayers and that's okay! Both are heading your way! I hope you continue to heal smoothly and that Savannah doesn't inadvertently hurt you again! Keep us posted!! Love and hugs, Auntie

  12. Oh my goodness Brenda!!!! What a time you've had! I pray you heal quickly. I pray that things get better for you. I pray you can enjoy the rest of your summer. Take it easy! Sending you a great big hug!
    Lots of Love,

  13. Oh Brenda, WHAT a summer!! It certainly has been one to remember for all the wrong reasons!
    Isn't it funny how we all process our grief differently (I am not sure if you realised that my DH passed away early in May) - I sorted his bits almost immediately, at least that which was in the house. I left his side of the studio, but now I am itching for summer so I can sort that - I couldn't have done that straight away, and also the shed with all his tools, I am in no hurry to 'sort', somehow they seem to be more of 'him' than his personal gear.

  14. Oh my what a dreadful time you've had. Do hope things start to improve now!

  15. Oh gosh Brenda.. so sorry to hear of all the bad things that have gone on to you these past couple of months! I am so happy you are on the mend and healing though! Please take it easy! I hope you recover very quickly and are able to get back to crafting again. Always here for you if you need a friend. Love and miss you

  16. Hi Brenda,
    What a summer it has been! I am so sorry to hear of all the things that have been happening in your life. I am glad you are on the the mend. I have also been purging out the house getting rid of all my work clothes and shoes. What Sam does not take I will donate. I have been feeling ok. Not great but trying to function as much as possible. Have not really been crafting as I am using my energy to clean. I will try to get a letter off to you soon. In the meantime stay well and I will contact you soon. Much Love,

  17. Thank you so much for understanding my absence Ladies!! I am getting there, healing of ribs are slow but they are healing. Challenges are what make us stronger, eh?!!!! You are all the best!! Big hugs to you all, Brenda

  18. Brenda, I hope all starts going better real soon!
    Take care,

  19. It never rains it pours, just about sums up a really rotten summer for you huni. Take your time to heal, there is no rush, we'll be here ready and waiting. Sending huge gentle cyber hugs K xx

  20. Goodness my dear Brenda, what an awefull time you have had. I have been thinking about you a lot wondering where you were. But time caught up with me and the days passed whithout sending you an e-mail. I appologise my friend for not informing sooner how you were doing. Hope you will be fully on your feet again very soon. I have had an operation myself. One that wasn't planned.
    I am sending you love and hugs get well wishes. Love Veerle xxx

  21. Brenda, I am so sorry to hear of your mishaps. I certainly hope and pray that your healing is going well. Take care, my friend. Sending hugs your way.

  22. I'm so sorry Brenda! It sounds awful awful what you've been through. You are amazing. I pray God fill you with joy, peace and healing today. I pray life eases up to a little bit of mundane so you can catch up and get ahead. Take care!

  23. Oh Brenda, hope you are feeling better soon and back to your wonderful self. That is way too much for one summer. I will pray for your quick recovery. Tell Savannah to be kind to her Mommy!

  24. Oh my word Brenda .. .. what a summer you have had!

    Your body has certainly taken a battering in lots of ways.

    I hope you are soon 100% fit and well again .. .. and you stay that way.

    Take care.

    Love Jules xx

  25. Hi Brenda,
    I've been off the grid because of my husband's operation and slow recovery, so I'm just playing catch up and I'm so sorry to hear what a sorry sort of summer it's been for you so far. I hope you are starting to feel better and that Savannah is behaving and being a good girl for you now. I'm sending big (but gentle) hugs to you and hoping that things improve so you can enjoy the rest of the summer.
    Carol xxx

  26. Holy smokes!!! You had my kind of time! Not fun. I am so happy that you are ok and recovering. It is great hearing from you again. I pray you heal quicker than I did though. I am back to pushing my walks again. Up to 7 miles here and there. You take care of yourself. We will talk again soon.

    Love, Hugs, Bushel basket of Blessings

  27. WOW!!!! I am just now getting around to reading this and I'm hopeful you are feeling better by now and have not had any new incidents. Sure hope things get better for you and life is good. Hugs Diana

  28. Oh my goodness! You are having a tough summer, Brenda.

    I am so sorry to hear of your health challenges and hope those bones and fingernail heal quickly.

    What a lot to deal with all at once.

    Crafty hugs

  29. You've been on my mind Brenda~praying for you~


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda