
Friday, July 10, 2020

GPS Coordinates Sign

Hello Crafty friends, I hope all is well in your neck of the country! I've been keeping busy here...mostly spending a lot of time out by the pool on these really hot days. I hope you are able to keep cool if it is hot where you are.

I have two gifts that I made for a good friend that I want to share with you today. The first one is a GPS Coordinates sign. It is the coordinates of her home. I used my Cricut to cut my stencils and chalked it with black chalk paint on the wooden sign (gotten at the Target $ spot a long time ago), that I painted white and sanded to give a rustic old look. Then I sanded the stenciled black ink to make that look rustic and old too. Then I buffed a wax sealant on. I love how it turned out! The photo doesn't do it justice. Looks much better in person. Editing to add this link, I follow Creative on the Cheap and this is where I got this idea from for the sign. She is amazing at making things on the cheap!

My second gift is a towel that I put HTV on in spring/summery colors. Not much exciting about it. I used my Cricut once again to cut my HTV out and then used my Cricut Easy Press to press it on. I do wish I would have put a shadow under the "K", but I didn't. Live and learn. I still think it looks ok, but would have been better with the shadow. 

Close up of the design.

Had my granddaughter for 5 days, 4 nights. She wanted to live in the pool and cuddle the dogs. We did live in the pool and she did snuggle the dogs as well. She is ADD and boy the pool wore her out! After we would come in from the pool at 6:30 or 7 pm, she got her shower and was in bed out like a light. We had a great time for those 5 days. 

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule and visit with me for a bit! I so appreciate you as I know you are all busy too. I wish you all could be here enjoying the pool too on these hots days. Your sweet comments do bring so much joy and sunshine to my life and if I haven't been around to see you, I should be by soon. Can you believe we are in July?!! Fall will be here before we know it, then the holidays! Let's hope 2021 brings better news on Covid 19! Stay safe everyone and wear your mask and social distance please. 

Crafty hugs,

Card Recipe:
Cricut and Design Studio


  1. Fabulous projects Brenda and wonderful keepsakes. How lovely having your granddaughter stay with you too, she's certainly enjoying the pool

    Have a good weekend

    June x

  2. Fabulous projects Brenda and wonderful keepsakes. How lovely having your granddaughter stay with you too, she's certainly enjoying the pool

    Have a good weekend

    June x

  3. Hi Brenda

    What a fabulous post!

    It sounds like you have had a very busy but enjoyable week. Your Grand-daughter certainly looks like she is having fun too. What a pretty little girl she is .. .. and she looks very at home in the water.

    Our weather here has been rubbish. Hopefully the sun will return .. .. one day!!

    Loving your projects too. Both are amazing but I particularly love the co-ordinates sign. What a fantastic idea. So lovely that you are able to turn your hands to so many different forms of craft. You clever bod!

    Have a good weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  4. Loving the concept and execution of that stunning sign Brenda - that is such an original gift. The towel looks pretty too.
    So glad you grand daughter could do what she wanted to, and also slept well!
    It's winter here and bleak and grey and damp at the moment - I did get out and so some pruning in the garden today though.
    Stay safe

  5. Wow! Your pool looks so inviting! I would stay in it too, if I had one! Love the sign, Brenda! What a great idea and a creative gift! The towel is so pretty with the pastel shades. I'm glad you could spend time with your granddaughter.

  6. WOW! What a remarkable gift and what a great job you did on the towel and that sign is just amazing! How thoughtful of you. That pool looks great and looks so cool too! Thanks for sharing these. They are fabulous!

  7. Oh Brenda, you have been busy... and I love the results! What a wonderful sign! and sweet little towel - I'd never use it to dry dishes, that's for sure!
    Your pool water is just what I was going for with that stencil! Of course I could have used this little sweetie to make mine cuter!
    Wonderful summer for that pool!
    ps if you feel like it, check out my post about the comet on IG! I'd love to have your open spaces for viewing!

  8. Beautiful projects! Your granddaughter is adorable. It has been very hot here also, but I have not gotten in my pool yet. My husband and two of my grandkids have . I'm just not a water person.
    Have a great day!

  9. Now that is one brilliant sign, beautifully put together Brenda and what a wonderful gift, it evens reminds me of a visit to Pennsylvania in 1976, when we went to Cooks Forest and I went up a fire tower, not that I wanted to, I was "persuaded" by my cousin. LOL

    Your towel, would be put into a frame methinks. It's such neat and beautiful work.

    As for your pool, if we had weather like you I would be in it all day too, well maybe not, but it does look inviting and helped your granddaughter that was the best thing. She's such a pretty girl.

    Keep cool and crafting and then you will be safe my friend.
    Faith x

  10. Those are wonderful projects Brenda, and I am one who truly loves items like that! Anything made with someone's hands is a true gift to treasure! Your DGD is adorable and I can tell by the look on her face she's right at home in the pool! The view from your place is amazing too by the way! I'm glad you had time to spend with your precious little one and I'm sure she loved her time spent with you just as much :)

  11. Brenda dear sis.. you amaze at your variety of ideas and creations... so clever sis.
    Thanks so much for sharing and your prayers. They really are needed and appreciated. Love you, praying for you too. Shaz in Oz X

  12. Such lovely ideas for personalised gifts, Brenda ... and so brilliantly executed and creative! The recipients must have been delighted! Sweet photo's ... your pool sure looks inviting ... no wonder your granddaughter wanted to spend so much time in it! Hugs, Anita :)

  13. Handmade gifts are so special, Brenda and these are lovely! The wooden sign idea will be so versatile and could be adapted for lots of occasions. You are so clever to make the stencil yourself and personalise the gifts.

    I'm so glad you had fun with your granddaughter - she looks so at home in your pool!

    Stay well, my friend.
    Carol x

  14. Your handmade gifts are so special Brenda. What a lovely surprise for both your friends! You are multi-talented, my friend!

    Love the photos of your granddaughter enjoying the pool. Sounds like you had a lovely five days together! xx

  15. Your granddaughter sure looks like she had fun in the pool and enjoyed cuddling the dogs x. What thoughtful and fabulous gifts you made Brenda x.

  16. That towel is amazing!! I used to do machine embroidery and I have made a ton of quilts!! - I sort of miss it but it is better for me to stick to one hobby - since I like paper crafting a lot! Have a blessed week!


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda