
Friday, August 9, 2019

Paper Bag Mini Album-Pic Heavy

Hello my crafty friends, I hope this Friday is a happy one for you and that you are looking forward to a nice weekend. We are supposed to be lower humidity and temps, so I'm liking that! 

I have a little tiny mini album I made. And I do mean tiny. lol It is 3.75 x 3.50 with the lid and covers on.  Here is where you will find the directions to it if you want to make one. Helen is amazing and has her own line of stamps, papers and dies. I love watching her and seeing the creations she makes. So I wanted to try my hand at making a tiny mini paper bag album. Decided to go with a fall theme, so I used digital images in this little mini. Papers were from my snippets piles and a 4.5 x 6.5 paper stack by DCWV. Had snippets in there as well, but also used some whole sheets. This mini is great for using some snippets up. So here is my tiny mini. As always my supplies will be listed at the bottom in the recipe section. 

I kept the outside simple so nothing would get caught on anything. I also made a little "lid" to go on the top of it, to give it a finishing look if someone wants to keep it on a shelf or something. 

This is the back of the mini. Can write "made by" or the date in the frame. 

 Both sides look like this. 

 The bottom, and of course the top looks the same as well when you take the "lid" off. 

 Yes, I forgot that I was going to use magnets to hold it closed along with the lid, so didn't get them under my paper to be hidden. Oh well, I can live with it, but would have preferred them to be hidden.

 Inside cover and first page.

 Second page-on the left is a pocket on each page, on the right is the opening of the paper bag so it has two places to put photos on mats.

 Here is where the two mats are, so could put 2 photos on each or one photo and journaling on the back. 

 I think this digital collection is adorable. I didn't use any of the papers from it, but will next go around. Just used the images, tags and such. Hope you enjoyed this little mini. 

Thank you for taking time out of your busy summer and visiting with me for a spell. I always love to hear from you as you bring lots of sunshine into my life! I will be by to visit you as well soon. Happy Weekend!

Edited to add that I am going to join in at the Snippet's Playground. I haven't been over to play in quite some time, so it will be nice to go over and see everyone. 

Crafty Hugs,

Card Recipe:

DCWV Fall & Halloween Combo Matstack-several years old
Nitwit Digital Collection-Pumpkin Patch Collection
Recollections Paper Bags-I used 6 in the size of 3.5- x 2 x 6.75
Paper Studio-heavy weigh kraft cardstock
Cricut-Print and Cut of digital collection images
Snippets from my stash


  1. OMGosh, Brenda, what a fabulous project! I love all the detail. xx

  2. This is so fabulous, Brenda!! I love the mini album design!! You decorated it so beautifully!! It's amazing!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. What a sweet wee mini album Brenda - and so beautifully made. It has a really coherent look to it and would be a wonderful little keepsake when filled.

  4. Waauw Brenda this is so amazing. What a wonderful project. I guess it was a lot of work making this mini album. I absolutely love it, it is so adorable. Sending you love & hugs, Veerle

  5. WOW! WOW! WOW!, this is a fabulous make Brenda, love the Autumn colours and images and beautiful papers, the album is just perfect.
    Faith x

  6. Cute mini album! May try my hand in making this mini!
    Have a great day!

  7. Brenda this is so sweet!! My goodness those images are adorable - I was going to ask if you colored them, and can't believe they are printed images - so darling! I can see that you had just the perfect snippets to accompany them, too!
    Darling project, completed to perfection!!
    Enjoy that fabulous weather, my friend - I'm sending you days and days of it!!

  8. This is so cute, Brenda. I love the outside too. Fall is right around the corner and my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the leaves, the holidays, pumpkin everything and football. Can't get here soon enough. However, it does bring winter and that is NOT my favorite!

  9. Oh wow, Brenda ... what a fabulous tiny little mini album! The autumn papers and images are just adorable ... and your execution is brilliant! How wonderful for the recipient to just keep 'discovering'! Hugs, Anita :)

  10. Wow, Brenda! This is impressive. I have never done anything like this and love the possibilities with this idea. You did an outstanding job on this! Love the theme too and the images you chose for it.

  11. What a fun little album, Brenda! It makes me yearn for fall!

  12. What a stunning creation and super cute. The papers, colours etc look fabulous and the Fall theme is perfect. So creative and such fun.....Love it x

  13. What a sweet little autumn treasure you've created! I love the theme and all the cute pages inside! Well done!

  14. I wanted to mention that it's great to see you creating again, but I hit publish before I finished my thoughts! LOL Looking back through this mini album once again, I've seen more cuteness that I missed the first time - like that cute squirrel and all those pretty papers and pockets! Thanks too for sharing the tutorial link and I do hope you are feeling well these days! I'm going out somewhere today to soak up some of this beautiful weather and I hope you get to do the same! Hugs.......btw, got the printer up and running :)

  15. Wow Brenda - you came back with a bang! This really is absolutely fabulous - wonderful use of snippets as well. I bet it took ages but so well worth it.


    Di xx

  16. Wow Brenda - what a fabulous creation! I love all the sweet little images and pockets to pop little keepsakes or photos in. The whole design is so intricate and I can imagine how absorbed you must have got in the making of this little beauty. I hope it is destined for someone who will appreciate it.
    Hope you are enjoying some cooler weather this week and are pain-free by now.
    Carol x

  17. Brenda - you did a marvelous job on this album - I have not created one lately - got hooked on some cards - but I shall be doing more I am sure - gotta use the supplies - LOL - so lovely art here Brenda!

  18. Hi Brenda,
    oh my word that is soooooooooooooooo! gorgeous and very beautifully created.
    Love it.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda