
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Will Be MIA

Just popping in here quickly to let you know that I will be once again disappearing for a bit. Got DS moved back up to college yesterday. Boy was it a hot one. The heat index was 110 and his apartment was so hot. Within 30 minutes, the three of us were soaked with sweat! Bret's uncle helped me moved him back up. Got both trucks and trailer unloaded into the apartment, then went to Wal-Mart to get a couple things for him and to look for an air conditioner because there was no way he was going to be able to sleep with the place being so hot! No ac's! Got lunch and came back to the apartment and I started unpacking the kitchen stuff. Bret and his uncle were upstairs putting his bed together and once again the sweat was running off of us. But while upstairs, they found an air conditioner in a closet, so they placed that one in Bret's window in his bedroom and got it running. Great!!! But downstairs was still cooking too. So we started making calls to see if anyone had any ac's. Sear's was the only one who had any. Remember, students are moving in this weekend on Sat. and Sun. So the ac's were flying off the shelf for students that have apartments! Wal Mart didn't even have any fans! Glad Bret at least had two of them! Go and get the ac and bring it back to the apartment and Bret and his uncle got that installed in the living room window. By then it was 3:30 pm and we really needed to hit the road for the 2 1/2 hour drive home. So glad he is close by home!!  But still a whole day just to move up and us to get back home. We got home here by 6:30 pm, we had left at 7:30 am. Bret's aunt had the pups, so she brought them over and supper. Bless her heart!!!!! She had been in the hot kitchen canning pickles all day!!! Bret's roommate is moving in today and has a training class for a campus job he will be doing. Then classes start tomorrow.

Now you are asking why I will be disappearing again?? Well let me tell you! Starting Monday, I will be clearing the walls and anything else I can clear, of the living room, dinning/kitchen and hallway/hallway closet. Bret is coming back home either Thursday night or Friday morning to start laying floors. In the mean time this week, his aunt and uncle will be here and we will pull up the carpeting and painting! Yay, new floors finally!!!! We will tackle the bedrooms at a later date, but for now I am so happy to be getting them in these other rooms. So busy, busy, busy this week and then will have to get everything put back together. Thankfully I don't have a big house. 

So I will be MIA in my commenting and know I will never catch back up so I will just pick up with my commenting once I can. Thanks for understanding and I will be back to making cards and hopefully scrapbooking layouts soon. Will see how this goes and if Bret will be willing to tackle the bedrooms next. lol Might not even do them until next summer, depending on Bret once again. I want him to focus on school, so for me the bedrooms can wait until next summer!

Thanks for always hanging in here with me these last few years. They have been a roller coaster ride for sure with emotions that go all over the place. I'm still missing Dwayne very much, but I can't change it and know he is in a much better place. Just trying to find my way without him now, which is hard but I'm getting there. I still have many moments of tears and talking to him and God...but not as much as before. I'm slowly getting there, where ever there is. 

Thanks for stopping by today and reading my ramblings. You all mean so much to me, you did before Dwayne passed and even more so now. Your comments always bring some sunshine into my world now and I so appreciate them!!! Now today will be spend cleaning the pool and hot tub and getting those up to par!

Crafty hugs,

Card Recipe:


  1. Sweet lady - you deserve your new floors and so much more! Try to take a little time out now and again just to do what you love to do, by that I mean craft/stamp lol! I hope the heat eases for you and it won't be so hot next week because I know I would just melt into a giant puddle lol. We'll be here waiting for you just take the time you need or want to do some home maintenance Karen xx

  2. Wish the weather would have been nice and cool for the move. Years ago, we did a third floor walk-up move across from the football field at UW in heat like you had. Ugh!! Don't think Christian had're a much nicer mommy than I was, lol!! And new floors...very cool. I have original oak floors in my downstairs and would love to have them refinished, but with DH, it's just too difficult. And don't worry about us out here in blogland. We'll be here for you, in your corner, supporting you in spirit, until you get back. If you need a quick pick-me-up, just go back and reread some of the comments left to you and that will buoy you until you're with us once more. You can always give me a call if you need me. I'm here for you darlin'. Enjoy those floors!!! Bev

  3. 110 degrees? I. can't. even! What an adventure trying to find ac's so your son can have some 'degree' (tee hee) of comfort in his apartment. Hard to believe that he's already back to school AND in his second year! Time flies! Our students return after the Labour Day long weekend, which is a welcome change from starting before it. I go back for the 31st and 1st, then off on the Friday. Will be going to see my mom (as I'm currently planning to do for a couple days this week. Getting my 'big girl britches' on to tackle that highway drive....). Your renovations sound fantastic! Yes, plenty of work but the results will be so worth the investment! Hope you'll take before-and-after photos. You more than deserve 'time off' from commenting; focus on YOU! We'll always be here! Sending mega hugs and much love your way! Your strength is inspiring; your enthusiasm for the changes coming your way, uplifting! By the way, so glad you have two furry pals for companionship! Even thinking about your pups makes me smile...
    Hugs and love~c

  4. WOW Brenda, sweet sweet friend! Of course we all understand, we all have things happen in life that takes up all our time! Blogging is the last thing you should be thinking about right now, as it sounds like you will have a lot of upheaval! You must find time - if you manage to get any - in the quieter moments to rest and recharge your batteries! Don't get so worn out that you make yourself ill . . . you need to rest up once in a while! We will all be here, when you are ready to join us back here in blog-land my friend! In fact, I may not even be around myself when you get back, as I am off to rural Spain in a couple of weeks (where they have no internet connection) and I will be there for three weeks, so I won't be able to get around either! However, we will have lots to 'talk' about once we are back in the swing! Don't overwork yourself my friend! Have a lovely Sunday! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  5. As you already know, I very much understand what you are going through. Thank you for stopping by and for the kind comments. They help to make the healing easier. You are a very special lady. Take care of yourself and we will talk later.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  6. I was a little scared reading your story of moving Bret in, remembering when I moved in to college my freshman year. It was so incredibly hot and there were so many people, getting an elevator in the dorm was impossible. Thankfully I was on the second floor, but a girl two floors up had her family helping her move in and her father suffered a heart attack with the heat. Thankfully, he was okay. Gosh, 110 is incredible. I'm glad you found an air conditioner for him!!

    I hope all goes well with the new floors!! How exciting!! Don't work too hard and enjoy the rest of your summer my friend!! You will be missed while you're away!! But we'll be here when you come back :) Huge hugs!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  7. Good luck with the work ahead Brenda. We will see you when you get back.
    Big hug and give Savannah a cuddle from me.
    Hugs Veerle xxxx

  8. WOW ... so hot at Bret's apartment. I'm glad they found the A/C in the closet and got another from Sear's. It will help a lot! Hard to sleep ... and hard to study (once classes start) when it's so hot. You all worked so hard to get him set up and I'm sure he is very thankful.

    And what great news to get new floors. Very exciting, even though there is lots of work to be done before it happens. You are doing great keeping busy and making things better for yourself. You have a huge support group and that helps a lot. I'm so proud of you for all the hard work you do ... no moss growing under your feet. :)

    If you have a chance, would love you to share some pictures of your new flooring once it's installed. :)

    In the meantime, you will also be kept busy with the new pup ... they need a lot of attention, but give back so much love.

    Take care and we'll see you when you have time. xx

  9. I'm glad you got your son settled and ready for college, and thank heavens you found air conditioners! I don't know how anyone can survive in this heat without a/c! It sounds like you have your hands full, and I completely understand that! Until you find your way back here, take good care of yourself and know we're all going to be here waiting as soon as you make it back! TC and stay cool! ((hugs))

  10. Good luck with the new floors and the decorating. Sounds like you've got a busy time ahead, but I'm sure it will be worth it. xx

  11. Oh my!! What a weekend you have had!! And what a week or two or three you are facing!!! Just don't overdo!!! :)

  12. What weather you are having - praise God your DS managed 2 ac units!!
    Enjoy your new floors and take care

  13. Erk 110 F you can have that dear Brenda.
    I do love to be beside the seaside is my theme. 😊
    Happy house renovating it is nice indeed, isn't it???
    Praying for you,
    hugs ❤️❤️ Shaz.x

  14. What a crazy moving day y'all have had! You must have been tired. You have a wonderful family. New floors and what a lot of work to get there. But you so deserve it. We will miss you but what a great reason to be New is always good! Get some rest and enjoy!

  15. Sweet Brenda...
    SO happy for you that you are getting new floors!!! A new remodel sounds like something you definitely need... and I am sure it will look fabulous when it is finished. As you said, the bedrooms can wait until next year, but for now... just something as small as changing the paint color on a wall will look so new and fresh.... so imagine what new floors will look like??? :)

    I am happy to hear that you are starting to do better on your own and finding your way... and that you are starting to get there... wherever "there" is as you put is that place where home is still home and you are learning to be independent on your own... its the place that you have finally realized that you are making it on your own.... that you are okay... even when you thought you would never be okay again... I am glad that you are doing so well and that Bret will be coming back home again... and I am still so very jealous that you have this nice pool to swim in and I don't lol .... would love to get together with you Brenda... think about it please. Much love to you.

  16. Gotta love the PA humidity! NOT! Sweating just cleaning so can't imagine the sweat from moving all day.
    Take care of yourself while doing the walls and such, not to do to much that you get yourself hurt or anything after 10 hours of work in sanitation on the job my body knows it took a toll and don't wish that on anyone around my age :)How exciting to get the floors and such done :) We'll have to work together on scrapping those memories I got some photos from our redo that need scrapped :) Something to do after the holidays this year.
    Have fun with that new pup too :) She's gonna want to help. Speaking of pickles I got sweet relish to do this weekend. Have a good day and a good week my friend :)
    Hugs and prayers, Tina

  17. Oh goodness, Brenda! What a good mom you are ... I’m sure Bret really appreciated all the help you and his uncle gave him!
    Good luck with the redecorating and I look forward to pictures! You have AC right? You're doing so well, and we're all very proud of you...
    Stay cool, my friend, and we’ll see you soon!

  18. How nice you can get those new floors! Hopefully it will be well worth all the effort and sweat! Take care of yourself and we'll still be here when you can get back. Don't work too hard and drink plenty of water!

  19. Well, goodness, Brenda, I just get settled back in and you're leaving! But, wow, have you ever been busy and will continue to be busy between getting Bret in college, getting Savannah (YES, this was MEANT to be!! She is gorgeous and huge!!), and getting new floors! Oh and making the wedding favors!! I feel like a sloth, haha! We have a new dog, too, well, a granddog. A German Shorthair Pointer named Jack to keep Duke company. So adorable! You take care and don't overdo it! I'll miss you for the next NBUS, but I'm so pleased to hear you sounding great!! Lots of hugs, Auntie

  20. Brenda, you are the sweetest!! I am so happy for your that you are getting new floors!! A new look always feels good and it is a fabulous way to clean. I am sure it was quite hot moving your son in to college. It was a hot week last week. I feel like I am always disappearing too. Life is busy, but that's the good thing about blogging, the friends are always here. I always feel bad when it has been a while since I visited blogs like yours. Enjoy the redecorating!!! xo

  21. Just sent an email, then dashed out to read this post! Oh I'm doing the happy dance for your new floors. It all takes time, then you will need time to get things put back together. You don't work too hard, in this heat, but keeping busy will keep you from missing Bret these first few days. And YAY for him, that he is tackling this super job. I know he'll do a wonderful new look for your home, and you'll be so proud of it. Hang in there...Big hugs, try to keep cool if you can. MM.

  22. Hi Brenda. It looks like you have a lot of people that love you just by reading a few of these comments. And a lot going on in your life as well!! Well, I know I'm a new follower, but I'll be here too whenever you come back to blogland. I've really appreciated chit chatting with you through comments and will continue to do so here in your world as well. I hope you'll still pop in when you can. I'll tell ya, I don't envy that heat!! I live in Fort Bragg, CA and the hottest it gets here is maybe 80 degrees on the hottest day!! You should take a trip to coast!! Hope to talk to you soon!! P.S. I just sent you an email, will you let me know if you didn't get it please. Thanks Brenda!! Hope you stay cool ~ It's foggy and cold here today.. =(

  23. What a busy day Brenda but at least you know he has settled in the new apartment. How exciting to get ll your work done. I have just been through the chaos with my craft room and I know it will be worth it, Hang in there girl!

  24. Goodness, didn't you all have a busy (and hot!) time moving Bret, Brenda ... he sure must have appreciated all the help and support! Good luck with all the decorating and flooring ... how lovely to have a fresh new look! Well done getting there, my friend ... Dwayne will be looking down, so proud of how you are doing. Enjoy the work and keep as cool as you can ... look forward to seeing you when you come back ... we'll still all be here! Hugs & prayers, Anita :)

  25. Dear Brenda...
    So glad to hear that you got your son safely and comfortably installed at school.
    Your reno's sound wonderful and your son sounds like a treasure! Enjoy your new floors and do not worry about commenting. We will still be here when you have time to return...waiting to see a


  26. Your visit was sweet, thank you for your comforting words Brenda :). I totally relate with your words "I can't change it and know he is in a much better place". You are an inspiration! I love the perseverance you showed in finding relief from the heat (via fan or air conditioner)~what LOVE! What a blessing you are~*hugs*

  27. Good luck with your floors. Hope all goes well and that you don't work too hard. I think of you often. I miss having you as a design sister at BBTB2.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda