
Monday, February 15, 2016

Chocolate...A Basic Necessity-BBTB2 Challenge

Hello my crafty friends, I hope your Monday is off to a great start. We had a very cold weekend here in Central PA with negative digits. More snow for today and supposed to change over to rain for Tuesday so they are already calling for heavy flooding. Not looking forward to that mess or the icy slush as it makes it to the change over. 

 I made it through another "first" without hubby. Friday into Saturday I was kept busy with 2 of my granddaughters. I went to pick them up and they spend the night. We enjoy supper when we got home, colored and made monkey bread for snack. Then I tucked them in bed. Saturday morning we made Valentines for their parents and colored some more and played games. The in the early afternoon their parents came and got them. Then I celebrated what would have been our 23rd anniversary with our youngest son. He came home from college to take me out to eat and then to the movies. His boss's wanted to meet me, they were very kind to me and told me I could come in anytime to escape reality and watch a movie with a friend. Just to let my son know and he would let them know. For free. How sweet is that?? They said they would take good care of me and give me snacks and such. I just thought that was so nice of them to tell me that. I don't go to the movies much, but was very nice of them to offer me that. Sunday my youngest granddaughter was over to see me, she is 3 months and really growing! Then my second to youngest granddaughter was dropped off so I could watch her while her parents went grocery shopping. She just turned 2 today and apparently is a little stinker when they go shopping. So the grands and my youngest son kept my mind occupied and I survived the weekend. Thank goodness for the grandchildren, they sure do bring a lot of joy into my life. It's a little bittersweet though, because my husband loved the grands so much as well and got great joy from them. 

Anyway, better get on with the job at hand. As you know Monday's always brings a  new challenge over at BBTB2. Emily is our sweet host for this week and she has challenge the DT and you to make a project using candy because today is national gumdrop day. I bet you didn't know that did you? lol So she wants to see candy on our projects. Make sure to go over to BBTB2 to see what inspiration my DT sister's have for you too. I started off with a card base and added some red paper for my base. Then using snippets of black and the heart paper as well as snippets of white.

As always, thanks for stopping by and sittin' a spell with me. I so enjoy your company and love to hear what you have to say on my latest project. I'm not quite in the swing of things yet, but hopefully I will get going better with each post. Crafty hugs, Brenda

Going to go play at the Snippet's Playground this week because I used snippets on my card.

Valentine Sweets Cricut cart-I did a print and cut
Sentiment from Cardz TV stamp set called "Sugar Rush"
wink of stella on the candies (click on the picture to enlarge and see all the shimmer and shine on those candies)


  1. Love your card!! Glad you had a great weekend with the grandkids !

  2. Super cute card :) Love the colors too and the layout of the card :) So glad you had a great weekend :) man that cold is something else hopefully it's the last cold snap of this season. Thank goodness for the grandchildren, they sure do bring a lot of joy into my life. They can be a blessing and lift you up when you are down. So cool that your son took you to the movies that kind of relationship is very rewarding in both ways :) I have fond memories of my Mom and I doing things like that to in my 20s, so glad I was part of her life like that after Dad passed on. Stay warm my friend right now it's snowing here. Prayers and hugs, Tina

  3. This really looks good enough to eat, the colors are so rich! I'm glad you had a good weekend with your grandchildren.

  4. I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend with your family, Brenda!! What a sweet gesture by your son's boss!! I hope you don't get any flooding. We had a few inches of snow and the temps have been cold, but not quite that cold. It's supposed to be in the 60's this weekend!!

    What a beautiful card!! The chocolates look so yummy!! I love the papers you used!! Gorgeous my friend!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Stay warm and dry! Family is such a blessing and I'm so glad you have such a wonderful one to lean on and distract you. Your card looks super yummy and I'm so glad you are feeling crafty enough to post, as I always love reading your blog posts!

  6. Wonderful card. Love the sentiment - so true!

    Glad you enjoyed the weekend with your family. xx

  7. I'm so glad your weekend was filled with visits from the grands and son, and how nice of your son's boss to make such a generous offer! Fun card with all those chocolates and pretty papers. I especially like the shiny hearts in the vertical strip. Stay warm - old man winter's paying another visit tonight :)

  8. Yummy looking and a beautiful card! SOOOOO PRETTY!

    So glad your weekend was ok. Not the same - but ok! Good that you stayed busy too.
    Stay warm up that way. Brrrrrr......too cold.


  9. I love your sentiment. How true, I couldn't survive without chocolate. This is such a beautiful Valentine card. Sounds like your grands kept you busy. They certainly are a blessing. You have raised a wonderful son. What a sweet, wonderful thing to do!

  10. Love your pretty card. It's perfect for February.
    I know your weekend was so hard but nothing like kids and grandkids to keep a mind occupied. It always takes time to deal with the things that make us sad. But it helps having these kids to get you so tired you have no trouble going to sleep.
    Prayers for you.

  11. Your card looks very yummy Brenda. So glad to read you had a nice time with the grand children and your son. We've been to the movies last monday. We took my husbands mother to the movies. She likes going there but my father in law never takes her because he really doesn't like going to the movies. So we took her and that made her happy. Take care my friend, sending you a very big hug xxxxx

  12. you have such loving support in your family - so touching....

    love your card - that box of candy looks real to me. Give me chocolate = any chocolate and I am a happy person.


  13. So good to hear of the support your family (and your son's bosses) are giving you Brenda.

    You card is perfectly suited to my inner chocoholic! Love the layout too.

    Thanks for coming over to play in the SNIPPETS PLAYGROUND.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  14. I really love your card Brenda.... it looks so yummy!!!! And i'm so happy that you had a busy weekend full with family... glad the grandkids spent the night over and kept you busy and yes your son's bosses were very generous and sweet to do that for you! Glad it wasn't as bad afterall for you!

  15. What a wonderful family you have Brenda my dear friend! It sounds like you were kept well occupied! Living here in the UK, not only have I not heard of 'National Gumdrop Day', or, 'Monkey Bread' . . . had to Google that one! Yum! Anywho, I LOVE your card, that strip down the left hand side is so pretty and the chocolate image, well . . . everyone LOVES chocolate, don't they? Keep warm and have a good day! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  16. This post just warmed my heart, Brenda! So thankful you have such great family/friends to surround you. xoxo

    Love your sweet card. Who doesn't love some chocolate?! :)
    Have a blessed day!

  17. Yum! That's some good looking chocolate, Brenda! I'm so glad you had a lot of distractions over the weekend. What a blessing to be able to spend that time with your granddaughters! You are making wonderful memories together.

  18. What a joy to have all your family around you this weekend, Brenda ... especially those sweet grandchildren ... and how lovely to have the offer of going to the movies for free ... such good people! Delicious chocolate, my friend ... great sentiment ... and so true!! Hugs & prayers, Anita :)

  19. Ever since Monday I have had a strong pull in the direction of Pennsylvania and NOW I see why! There are chocklits on your card!! I love it, Brenda! And I thoroughly enjoyed your post about how your sweet family kept you preoccupied and helped you get through the very tough anniversary/Valentine's Day weekend. We are all here for you, as well, as you gingerly make your way through the shadows of grief. I'm so glad you have this relaxing and "happy place" hobby to escape to and lots of bloggie friends who love you!! Hugs and more hugs, Auntie

  20. Super sweet card Brenda. I know that the Playground Prefect this week likes choklit too!!
    One step at a time Brenda. Keep smiling!!

  21. Read your post while I was away dear sweet friend, but didn't get to comment,.. Am still praying daily for you, and proud of your faithfully, loving and sweet way of getting on as best you are able to do each day, God helping you... Gentle prayer hugs. Xxx

    And well "chocklits" are also food of choice Downunder, :D ... But icey cold preferably as they melt in our heat.
    I really love your card, and papers and colouring are just perfect.
    Well done dear friend. Shaz in Oz.xxxxx

  22. Oh my, Brenda, even though Dwayne wasn't physically with you, he was, in spirit...and what a wonderful weekend unfolded for you! How sweet of your son to celebrate your anniversary with you (he's a good man!), and his boss? Talk about kindness and generosity! Time with the grands: precious, precious, precious! I had a giggle when you described your two year old grand-daughter being a 'stinker' in the grocery store; she sounds very much like my nephew! I'm sure, for her part, it's way more fun to spend time with Grandma anyway! Smiling that your days were filled with joy, lighting just a little bit, your sorrow. Now, about that card: YUMMO! Chocolates are totally a necessary food group! So necessary, in fact, that I need some right now! Chocolates and ice cream...this catch up on your gallery has sure sparked cravings! Love that and, especially, LOVE you!

  23. This is such a ery sweet card!

    I am glad to hear that your weekend went well. Nothing like family to help ease your heart...

  24. So happy that you made it through this last 'first' without too much heartbreak. And pleased that Bret's employers are being so caring, and you should take them up on the offer. Bet you had fun with those grands...and sounds like you had a real good time with each of them. The candy card is so pretty. Love that border strip with the dark red paper. The box of choccies look yummy, and this is a great design layout too. So glad you jumped across the pond to see Parsnip at the Snippets Playground!!! Big hugs & hope no flooding near your place. MM

  25. Beautiful card Brenda The chocolate looks yummy.
    Glad you had family to surround and love you through the Valentines weekend.. I hope you are getting some warm weather now. we were fortunate to get some much needed rain.
    Have a blessed week my friend.

  26. Glad to hear that the weekend went well Brenda, and such a generous offer from your son's boss. You have a lovely supporting family!

    Oh, and the choccies are so yummy, the sentiment says it all.

    Love and hugs

  27. I'm glad you got through the weekend. We will have so many firsts this year and I'm happy the grands were there with you to keep your mind busy. You can't sit around with the young ones there. Your son was so thoughtful to come home and be with you too and how wonderful of his boss to be so kind. We have a new normal and it is taking some time to get used to it. Big hugs to you my friend.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda