
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Quick Update

Hello everyone, I wanted to drop in here real quick to give you the latest update. We went to the oncologist today and as I suspected he did call Hospice in. They will be here tomorrow to get hubby set up. He was funny and looked at the doctor and said, "What do I need them for, I got her." Meaning me. I said I think he needs the nurses to keep him comfortable, but he doesn't think so, but I over ruled on that one. I will give that man anything I can, but this. I need those nurses here to keep him comfortable and as pain free as they can. Doc also gave us a time frame for the first time. And as we know, no one knows but God when He will call hubby home, but in doc's experience he is saying 3 to 6 months, could be sooner, could be later. That hit hard, but I knew in my heart that hubby's time was near.  For the first time hubby's "numbers" are out of wack. He is starting with liver issues as the test results showed. Doc said that his liver will fail and hubby will slip into a coma and then die peacefully. Well, thank God for a peaceful passing for him! I don't want him suffering anymore than he already has. Our boys are rallying around us, which is wonderful. The one in Iowa is coming home in the 9th, he will have to go back as he and his wife are teachers, he is a Tech Ed teacher and she is an Art teacher. But of course they will get their bereavement once hubby passes.  Our son that is in the Army, is coming home at the same time and of course I will call Red Cross to get his bereavement when that time comes. The boys are rallying together to get everyone home at the same time-aren't they the greatest?!! I'm telling you we have awesome son's and they are more worried about keeping their dad comfortable and making sure I'm ok. I'm worrying about them and they are worrying about me. I've said it before and I will continue to say it, hubby and I have been so very blessed in so many ways. I can't even begin to count all our wonderful blessings. 
So with docs insight today, it has really hit home to us. Hubby is very depressed, but that is normal. He did ask doc for some depression meds, so we will see how they go. Doc doesn't think they will help much, so we will see. Anyway I so appreciate all your wonderful and caring comments. I feel like each one of you are here with us giving support to us. I thank you so much for your caring, your support and your love. I have to agree with Carol, cancer plain sucks! But we will pull through as a family and have our beautiful memories and scrapbooks to look back on and will cherish them. I will keep hubby alive to our grandchildren and I hope that there is farms in heaven because that is hubby's passion!  God Bless you all and thanks for hanging in with me. I will be back, I just don't know when. Love and hugs to you all!!! Brenda


  1. Oh Brenda words can not express what I am feeling right now. I have to tell you I have huge tears rolling down my face right now. Please know that I am thinking of you. This will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to go through. With the love and support from your boys and your faith in God I know you will make it through. I can not even imagine loosing my soulmate and I can totally tell by the way you talk about him that your hubby is yours. I am so glad you are allowing the Hospice nurses to help you out. They were there for me when my sweet Momma was at the end. She was living with us and their support was priceless. Remember that they are there to help take some of the pressure off. Enjoy every minute with your hubby. Take this time to say all the things you have to say to him. I am praying for you.
    Take care my sweet friend.

  2. Brenda this is my first time on your blog and my heart goes out to you
    You sound strong and prepared but that doesn't do it all
    I pray you have a great support group to call on ...............HUGS and PRAYERS ...............Lis

  3. Oh dear sweet Brenda it's a hard steep rocky path you are walking just now, but you are not alone, around you are your precious family and your God, Who said, as He says to all of us who trust in Him, " I will never leave thee, nor forsakes thee....Lo I am with you alway, thy days, so shall thy Strength be."
    Truly its where the rubber mets the road in life that is when we know the goes sing of our God. I don't understand all your are going though , and how very hard it must be for your dear hubby, and you all... but God does, He knows, He sees and He cares.

    I am far away and can do little but I can pray, and I will do that, with all my heart.
    Praying for wisdom for you, hubby and the boys not to leave anything undone that ought to be done and sorted now, for rich lasting comfort of heart for you, for dear hubby and your sons as well. My heart is very sad .... but one glorious day all these sorrows will be passed and there will be no more goodbyes, through faith in Jesus. That indeed is the blessed hope of which we are promised. Faith trusts in what it cannot yet see, otherwise it is not faith.
    Hugs and every blessing. Time will seem so precious now.
    Shaz, who is sorrowing for and with you, dear sis.xxxx

  4. I have been praying for you and your family so much, Brenda. It's a small blessing to know that his passing will be peaceful. When I was young, I went to a small private Catholic school and we had religion classes every day. When I was I don't know for sure...five or six, I didn't understand the concept of Heaven and it scared me. I asked my parents if there were donuts in Heaven (my favorite) and they told me there was a huge smorgasbord and you could choose any you wanted and as many as you wanted. I truly believe that there are farms in Heaven and your hubby will be able to choose the exact one he wants so that he will be happy!! What sweet boys you have to rally around you. I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers my friend. Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Oh my gosh Brenda!! My heart goes out to you!! As I always say, God Has This!! And He does!! He is right there beside ya'll through all of this and will continue to be. My thoughts and prayers are with you every day. I know that no matter what words I use, it is never enough to bring the comfort that God does to your heart. May God bless you my sweet friend and your precious sons. I can not say that I know what you are going through, because I don't, but I do think about you and Dewayne often throughout my days.

  6. Dear Brenda, Shaz has forwarded your post to me so that we can pray for you all. Words cannot express the sadness I feel for your family, even knowing that our hope is in our Lord Jesus, even He wept. May the peace of God be with each and every one of you. May this remaining time be happy, loving and very precious. Sending you a really BIG HUG from France xxx

  7. I'm so sorry that you got that news. Hospice will come in and do everything they can to make him comfortable and pain free. That is a blessing and will help you too. I'm glad the boys are all coming home. Hubby will be happy to see them and sad at the same time. I hope the depression meds help. So many people are praying for you and I hope you feel it. We are not in charge and can only take things as they come. My arms are around you and my thoughts are with you.

  8. I read about your predicament on Mary H blog and had to come and wish you both contentment in your hours together. You are counting your Blessings! you have many with your family and I pray for you all.

  9. Brenda and family- thank you for sharing your lives with us. Sending heartfelt prayers your way during this very difficult and sad time. XO

  10. I can across your post through Suzanne's blog (Cricut Craftin Grammy). I remember you from my days on the Cricut messageboard. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through; you and your family are in my prayers. May God give you the strenth, courage and comfort you need at this most difficult time.

  11. Brenda, I am so sorry to hear this sad news for you and your family. Hospice is incredible. They will help this hard journey be a little easier. The people who work for Hospice are true Angels! I know from experience with my dad, and MIL and DIL. I will be sending prayers your way . It sounds like your sons are truly good men. You are blessed that you have such a great support group around you.

  12. Sorry to be so long since my last visit Brenda.
    This news is so not what I was praying for huni. I have no words that I can share with you.
    You and your OH will be in prayers every day and I hope things improve for all of you soon. Will be here for you when you need us big hugs for you both Karen xxx

  13. Brenda....I came here from Carolina Cards and wanted to let you know how sorry I am for your news on your hubby. Sending prayers of comfort your way.

  14. I am sad at this news Brenda. We have talked and shared at length and The prayer Will continue to be offered up as long as I am alive. This is a road I know well. If there are any concerns or prayers all you need do is send me an email and you will have it. My heart and prayers will be offered daily.

    Love, Major Hugs and Tons of Blessings

  15. I'm so sad for you, and so happy for you at the same time because you met each other, shared love, and created your family in this lifetime. None of us can ever be prepared for the end of life until we face it, so I can't imagine what you're going through, but you'll have time to say all the things you want to while you can. That's a blessing that many never have the chance to receive. Be brave and lean on those loved ones who support you and they'll see you through this with compassion, caring, and grace. Sending prayers, hugs, and much love your way.

  16. May your time together be full of love and shared blessings, Brenda ... my thoughts and prayers are with you all daily as you walk this hard path. Big hugs, Anita

  17. Brenda, I am so sorry. I can't seem to find the right words. I know God has a plan but why does it have to hurt so much? I'm still praying for all of you, especially you. Your dear hubby will be taken care of. (and no more pain for him) I pray God blesses you and your wonderful boys with the strength and courage to get through this.
    Just know that if you need to vent, I'm here. (just a click away)
    Much love and hugs, dear friend,

  18. You can never take the farm out of the farmer, how true. It know it is always in my Dad's blood. He farmed until into his 80's. I can't imagine. That is such hard work. I am glad to hear that you continued on with hospice. They will be able to help you deal, also, and keep Dwayne comfortable. It is alot for you to deal with. I am so glad that your boys are being supportive to you both. Family is so important. I can remember when my husband had heart surgery, it meant so much to us that the boys were there. I don't know how people do it, that don't have children. I think God meant for us to have families, to support each other. Please know that you both are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I could give you a hug, like Susan said.

  19. Oh, my dear dear friend Brenda! I have just returned from being away for a month (without internet) and thought I would have a little wander around blog-land to see what I have missed and was devastated to hear of your sad news! Your DH has battled long and hard and I was so praying that he would have a happy outcome! It's good that you have such a supportive family around you at this time . . . don't forget to also take care of yourself as it is so easy to neglect your own health when caring for a loved one! My thoughts and prayers are with you, Wayne and your family! God bless. Hazel xx

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi Sweet pea ... 'virtual' hugs coming your way.
    =] xx

  22. My heart is just breaking for you, Brenda. I can tell you are standing strong in your faith and love. I'm praying for you, my friend, and your family.

  23. Hi Brenda, I read your post with tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart for you and your family. I will pray for you all to find strength as this journey unfolds. Please keep us all of us here on line in your heart and on your mind so that you will feel us all praying for and thinking of you.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda