
Thursday, April 16, 2015

No Go to Hopkins

Hello my friends, thank you for all your comments. Hubby got cancelled for Hopkins tomorrow. Back to the doctors we went today and doc put him on another antibiotic along with prednisone. Got back home waiting on RX's to be filled and we call our contact at Hopkins. She told us that if hubby takes the prednisone he won't be able to come in for 30 days! So put a call in to family doc and he says don't take the prednisone. So tomorrow is off and they have scheduled hubby in for the 28th. That will give him time to heal and then hopefully this will be the last cancellation!! They are really trying hard to get hubby in and going, but this has to be gone because if the CAT scan shows any infections he will be kicked out of the study. So I really appreciate them working so hard with us to get this done. So that is where we are at for now. Hubby just has to rest, take his meds and heal. Thanks for hanging in here with us everyone, we so appreciate you all!! Hugs, Brenda


  1. Bummer :( I hope he does in fact get that much-needed rest and is able to get well to continue the studies! Praying for you both!

  2. I know the waiting is hard. But they want him WELL to be able to run the tests so they are right, God gives us what we need at the time.

    Love ya

  3. Hi Brenda just trawling through my dashboard and come across your post.. am on a medical trial too over here in Oz, just started.

    .. so pray that will be hubby in a months time all will be turned around for good by the LORD..

    ...a miracle or two being prayed for for you,
    Shaz in Oz.x

  4. So glad to see they really want Hubby in for the program Brenda and they are doing all they can to help. Waiting and hoping together with you for the 28th.
    Love and hugs, Veerle xxxx

  5. Oh I know that being set back again is frustrating but we sure do want him to be healthy and clear of all infections so that he doesn't get kicked out of the study. Sometimes things don't go the way we plan, but hang in there my friend. Things will work out.

  6. Things happen for a reason. Thank goodness they care enough to wait for him to get well. I think they are trying to give him every opportunity for success. So make sure he gets plenty of rest and all his meds. And have wonderful positive thoughts.
    Prayers are still coming.

  7. Sending prayers and hoping your Hubby get better soon

  8. So sorry things have to be delayed, but now hubby has some time to get better and then you won't have to worry so much about it effecting his place in the study. Good thing this happened before he started, and then things can be delayed a little for it to pass. Thinking of you both. xx

  9. Thank you Brenda for keeping us all updated, prayers that this appt works out and he gets in. something how these Drs can't seem to work together, we go through this alot with Dave's doctors too :)
    Hugs to you my friend

  10. Praying for God's healing of this infection that he has in his body!

  11. Keep your chins up. Continued prayers...

  12. Hi Brenda you are both in my prayers..sorry I'm trying to catch up I've had laptop issues..which in the scheme of things is nothing to what you are both going through. Hope everything goes right and you get the go ahead..lots of huggles Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Oh sweet girl - am still here and blowing some wind beneath your wings.


    Di xx

  14. I am praying that these antibiotics work so that your hubby can get started in the program. Thinking of you my sweet friend and keeping you both in my prayers. Hugs!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  15. Thinking of you Brenda and I have my fingers crossed the antibiotic works sending you the biggest hugs my friend
    Vic xx

  16. I'm so hoping he'll soon be well enough to start the treatment, it must be so frustrating for you, but soon you'll be there.

    Sending lots of love, warm hugs and prayers your way.


  17. Such a blessing you called your contact before starting on the prednisone. Hoping things are on the improve soon. Lots of Aussie prayers on the way xx

  18. Hi Brenda,
    My prayers continue to be with you and your hubby. May God bless you and be with you.

  19. Healing prayers heading over the pond for you and Dwayne, Brenda ... as ever. Hang in there. Hugs, Anita :)

  20. Hope this note sticks this second time, because I *need* you to know that I'm praying hard that the fever goes away. So glad you had the foresight to call about the medications, and your doctor agreed the one was a 'no go.' Dwayne's are strong! We're all in this with you, my darling friend!
    Hugs and love,


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda