
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Update on Hubby

We saw hubby's oncologist today and he went over the CAT scan with us again. It was much worse than we realized and we thought it was pretty bad the first time on the phone! But then he gave us some different options. One being the option that hubby wanted and that is to go down to Baltimore to Johns Hopkins to see a colon cancer specialist. We go on Monday!! The staff and nurses in at hubby's oncologist are so awesome. They came out to hug us, to pray with us and to just give moral support and to let us know that they weren't giving up. It was so emotional for me and I think even for hubby. The little girl that does the appointment set ups and medical records gathering was awesome as well. I can't believe she got us in on Monday. But Monday afternoon it is. Hubby and I are excited about meeting the new doctor. We have already looked at her picture on the hospital's site and read about her. She sounds amazing. The next thing, which we are taking as a sign from God, is that it was raining this afternoon and just a bit ago a bright rainbow came out right in front of our house, it was like it was for us! Like God didn't want us to miss it and we didn't! So we are both renewed with hope in this next journey. We will see how it all plays out and I will be taking you guys along with us whatever the outcome. So until next the next update....Have a Happy Blessed Easter Everyone!! And thanks so much for all your support, cards and prayers, they have really helped keep our spirits up through all this!!! Crafty hugs, Brenda


  1. What hopeful news! God's continued blessings on you both, and the Dr. and caregivers! Prayers continue....

  2. I my prayer partners will be with you all the way. - Jim

  3. I am so hopeful for you and thankful there are some more options to try. It's wonderful she got you in so soon. What a great sign with the rainbow! We'll be with you all the way. Sending continued prayers.

  4. Thanks for the update Brenda. Years ago while traveling home from a trip, I was worrying myself sick over upcoming surgery, when a rainbow appeared out of nowhere, directly over us. I took it as a positive sign, and everything turned around from the moment I spotted it, so I'm taking that rainbow you saw as a good sign too! Best of everything to you both - travel safe and I'll hope for a positive outcome!

  5. You are in my prayers. Yes God did give you a sign and you were able to see it. He is letting you know that you are not alone in this journey.

    HUGGS my friend.

  6. Brenda, so sorry to hear about your difficult dr visit but happy that you have an appt at Johns Hopkins!! I will continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers!! And even though you have so much on your mind - I still want to send you Easter wishes!! I love Easter because it reminds me of how amazing my faith is. Very renewing. And I LOVE that you saw a rainbow!!!

  7. Stay strong my friend! Sending prayers for your husband and for you. Happy Easter to your family.


  8. And we will be with you al the way Brenda. You and your hubby are in our thoughts and hearts, always. Sending you love and a big hug, Veerle xxxx

  9. I wish you both a wonderful Easter filled with hope. I pray for you all the time and I'll be sending extras with you on Monday. Good luck and God speed.

  10. Sounds like wonderful news, God is amazing and will let you know when he feels it's time to let you know that is so cool about the rainbow. You both will be in my prayers over the weekend, Happy Easter to you and the family, relax a bit and enjoy :) Hugs my friend, tina

  11. In my prayers and thoughts Brenda..lots of huggles Sue xx

  12. Oh my goodness my Friend!! I see God in this for sure!!!! He has this and all will go as He plans. I pray that God's healing hands will be guiding this new doctor and that His healing power comes down on DeWayne. May God Bless both of you. I want you to know that ya'll are in my prayers every day. Happy Easter!!!! :)

  13. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. What a wonderful gift from God to see that beautiful rainbow. God bless you!

  14. Still keeping you both and your boys in my prayers, Brenda ... this news is so hopeful! What a wonderful sign that beautiful rainbow was ... God's hope is with us always! Hugs, Anita :)

  15. Brenda, thank for the nice comments on my blog...

    Like Jim told you, we are both keeping you and your family in our prayers.
    Like Carol, said in a comment above mine... I had a rainbow experience too. seeing that rainbow turned out to be God's promise to me that everything was going to turn out okay. (And it did!)

  16. It's so great that you were given the option of treatment that your hubby really wanted. Have a safe trip to Baltimore. Will be thinking of you on Monday ... sending hugs your way. Loll xx

  17. Hi Brenda,
    Thoughts, prayers and hugs to you and your hubs. So sorry he has to go through this. Let the rainbow guide you to strength and your hubs back to good health. Thinking of you both,

  18. Oh Brenda. I am so sorry to learn of this but so glad you are remaining positive. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  19. The rainbow was definitely a sign from God to stay positive and keep the faith!! Both of you are in my prayers - I hope the trip goes well. Safe travels my friend. Big hugs!! Enjoy your Easter weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  20. I'm late reading this Brenda, but I'm so happy to read this update. I'm still praying for you all.

  21. I will keep you both in my prayers Brenda, I so hope that they can help him at John Hopkins, they have a good reputation.

    Safe travels and happy Easter sweetie!


  22. OMGoodness sweetie. I am sending healing hugs and prayers your husband's way. And a big hug of support for you. I am proud of you.
    Have a blessed Easter.
    DesignsByDragonfly {blogspot}

  23. I also believe the rainbow was sent as a sign Brenda - and do so hope this is a door opening for you and your husband as a way forward.

    Sending my love, as always

    Di xx

  24. Hey Brenda. I'm hoping you have a laptop or an iPad that you've brought along to keep up with things while you're in Baltimore. I was sorry to hear of DH's illness. You are both on my prayer list. Having worked in surgery a few years back, I know part of what's happening to him. Today's medicine and treatments are so much more advanced than they were even from 10 years ago. I will put my confidence in God. He sent you a rainbow! Big hugs to you. And if you need to chat, shoot me an email and I'll send you my phone number. I've got broad shoulders. Bev

  25. Oh my dear! I'm behind in visiting, but I saw this & your other update, so I wanted to read these first. Yes, I think the rainbow (and the fast appointment) was a blessed sign. I'm so happy that he's scheduled promptly to see this specialist. And praying for some other options that can be helpful. Off to read the later post. Big hugs. MM

  26. This appointment was 'meant to be', my friend, and I firmly believe that the signs are all positive! An accomplished expert has been delivered to you; I know she'll provide you with the steps that need to be taken, as well as the guidance and support to help your husband and you on the next phase of the journey. I'm praying that she *is* the answer!


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda