
Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Big Huge Thank You...

...for all the love and support you all have given me and the hubby!! It amazes me at how wonderful the crafting community is at supporting people they have never met in real life. Your hugs and support has been so wonderful and has helped me to feel so much better. I know we all have our struggles with health and life, so that makes all your support even more special. So I really want to let you all know how much I appreciate you and your support for me and hubby. I know that I have to give this back over to God because He is the one in control. Not me. I know He will guide our doctor with hubby's treatment and what will be will be. Big huge hugs to you all!!! Brenda


  1. Brenda I am sending you long distant huggles and my thoughts and prayers will be with you all...Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hugs back to you, Brenda!! I'm praying for your hubby and for you!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Big hugs to you Brenda! You already know I think and pray daily for y'all. We're only going to think positive thoughts on all of this.

  4. Oh Brenda - a lot of miles from you both, but you're surely in my heart. I'm with Lynn - we're only going to think positive thoughts.

    Love and hugs, Di xx

  5. Big Huge HUGGGGGGGG from me to you. Lots of prayers for you and Dwayne.

  6. Sending you back huge gentle hugs Brenda - I feel lucky to have found you too. I am wondering if you would like to be one of my nominees for the Creative Blog Hop on Monday? I can't find your details here so if you are interested can you email me please? This is my email but with the symbols replaced so that I don't get any more spam than necessary:
    starbase31 (fullstop) kp (at symbol) gmail (fullstop) com

    Have a lovely day huni Karen x

  7. Have just found out that the lovely Mary has already tagged you huni - so please don't worry about it! Karen x

  8. I hope the continued support of your blogging friends lifts you and carries you through the daily struggles of life! We all send you our love and support along with some great big hugs!

  9. Amen to all that has been said by the other blogger support comments. I echo this with all my heart. Ya'll enjoy the weekend with the college kid! Hugs MM

  10. Sending you hugs back again, Brenda ... and prayers for strength, peace and gentle calm for you both. Hugs, Anita :)

  11. Your faith is strong and so many people are supporting you and praying for you. God will walk beside you to guide you through your journey. Hugs, Jeri

  12. Hello, sweet friend! That note I owe you is still in the works; I'm just trying to cram in a whole lot of stuff before heading to work tomorrow (EEK!). Sending hugs upon hugs back to you; you've been one of my best "discoveries" in this community; a mega-watt light in my life! Prayers coming, too - for strength, joy, peace, guidance. Lots of love!

  13. Peace and blessing to you and your family :)


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda