
Monday, February 10, 2014

Scrapbook Spaces-BBTB2

Hello my crafty friends, we have something new this week for all you BBTB2 fans. The design team is sharing their crafty spaces, or as I like to call it, my woman cave. lol I think you will find this to be fun. I know I love to see people's crafty spaces and I like to get ideas for my space. So I hope you will go over to BBTB2 and check out all my design team sister's blogs and see their creative spaces!!

A little info on my room. I have 6 boys and when all my boys were at home, I just scraped on the dinning table and went to crops here and there. Then when our nest began emptying out I took a bedroom that was in our basement. We had two bedrooms fixed up down there in the new addition to the house. Our house is old and the rest of the basement is just that a basement. But our 4 older boys loved their privacy down there. So I took one of those bedrooms and made my woman cave. It was nice, I had tons of wall space but....I hated being so far away from the family. So I didn't go down a lot. I would stay down there and get creative while doing laundry. Then my youngest son wanted that room, another son had the other basement bedroom. So once school was out for the summer a few years ago my son-against my wishes because I wanted to paint first tore his room down and moved all my scrapy stuff up with the help of one of his brothers. Well pretty much how it was put in there is about how it stayed for the last couple of years. It wasn't working for me at all. So I recently started moving things around trying to get it the way I wanted it. My one problem is that this bedroom has a double window and a single window in it. Great light, but no wall space! I still have a lot of work to do to my room as far as organizing it and of course painting it. So as you will see in the pictures part of it is neat and part is not. I apologize in advance for that! lol The size of my room is roughly 12x14.  So are you ready, here it is....

This is looking in from the doorway. My "desk" is jet max cubes with a plywood/formica top that two of my boys made for me. I gave the dimensions and they took care of the rest. I love it! The cubes hold the top and dear son even drill holes in for the cubes to "lock" into the top. There is space at the table for two people. I sit where the red sweater is. Oops, I left my duster in the pictures!! Oh well, you never know what you will see in my pictures! lol Click on the pictures to see them closer up, if you dare.

This is the only full wall in the room. It is behind where I sit. This isn't quite the way I want it yet. I am thinking of moving my full sized printer beside my little photo printer and moving my Imagine over to the table on the other side of the room and putting my Pazzles in it's place.

 This is beside the double window, has some albums that I'm working on as well as punches, my Spectrum Noir markers, some specialty mat stacks in the cubes, my other mat stacks are in the wire paper holder.

 This is the wall where the door and closet is. My tv my guys got me the other Christmas. Under my tv is my paper cubes with my cardstock and pattern paper. On the left is my scraps bin. Each draw has it's own color. Both are in Roy G Biv order.

 This; I'm ashamed to say; is the messy part of the room that I need to go through and purge and reorganize. Don't look to hard! So you might want to look quick as not to blind you with all the mess!!! 

 Now some close ups of some new organization. I got this fridge bin from Amazon to organize my stamps. I order the pockets from Simon Says. I got 75 of them and of course that didn't even take care of My Creative Time dies and stamps. So I need to order more and another bin probably. This is an idea I got from Jennifer McGuire and I think I'm going to love it once I get it done. It will have all my stamps and thin dies in once place and possibly my other dies too which I don't have to many of. Click on Jennifer's name to see her organizing video. She also has links to everything as to where you can purchase what she has. 

 This is another fridge bin that holds my project life cards. Another idea from Jennifer McGuire. Loving this one too!

This tower houses my paper stacks. I used to have them stuffed everywhere, and it was just to hard to get to them and I wasn't using them as much as I should have been. I labeled the "glue" the stack name and should be able to find what I'm looking for now. lol

Well that is a little tour of my crafty creative space. I hope you enjoyed it.  I do love being upstairs and not in the basement anymore and my son loves it in the basement. A win, win for us both. Of course he will soon be leaving the nest and heading off to college. Then we will have a somewhat empty nest until he returns. lol  Now it is your turn, link up your crafty room/space!! As always thank you for stopping by and visiting for a spell. I hope you will return again soon. Crafty hugs, Brenda


  1. I love your craft room! It is very tidy and functional!

  2. I love touring creative rooms and love the airy, open feeling of yours, I cannot imagine not having a place to create, hugs

  3. I sure love your crafty room !! I think the table and the furniture is lovely !! Thank you for sharing your wonderful room with us , I love it ! Hope you have a wonderful week !


  4. Your woman cave is fab Brenda. Such a lovely craft space and so organised my friend.
    Jayne x

  5. Love your room Brenda, would love to see more projects using your puzzle machine,hint hint. Hugs

  6. I loved taking the tour of your space, Brenda, and I popped over to BBTB2 to see the rest as well! (Can anyone link?) You did a magnificent job with the organization which makes my heart sing! I love that you made the switch with DS and you are both happy!! Have a great week! Hugs, Darnell

  7. This looks extremely well organized to me! You have a very nice craft room, and such natural light! I am liking the way you have your papers organized too. Anytime you want to come South for a visit, we can tackle mine. Great storage on your punches too. Good job on getting it ready for 'company'. You rock! Your guys did a wonderful job for you. TFS & Hugs

  8. I love your desk area!! It is a great space Brenda! I love the windows because I love lots of light. I feel more creative!

  9. Brenda, I LOVE your Woman Cave!!! It looks fabulous!!! Such a fun place to craft!!! Have a great week!!!

    Mollie's Motif

  10. I think your woman cave is fabulous. You have everything organized so nicely! I love those lace curtains and that fabulous desk. I love the sweater over the chair. My room is always a little chilly, so I have a ceramic heater by my feet. Feels so good.

  11. Love seeing your space Brenda. It is looking so awesome! I love the freezer bins for the stamps and your scrap drawers.
    I can just picture you now scrapping away. Love the lace curtains for your woman's cave.

  12. What a fun Woman's Cave! It has such a wonderful welcoming feel!! When can I come over and play??? Great room!

  13. I love to see other peoples craft spaces. Thanks for sharing

  14. Brenda I love the space you've created! I need to organize soooo bad you're giving me inspiration :)

  15. P.S. Okay, Brenda, I took your advice and linked my space even though I don't have a Cricut. There's so much to see, maybe no one will notice, lol! Hugs, Darnell

  16. P.P.S. Forgot to say thank you for the adv'ice' on how to take care of the orchid!!

  17. I about fainted when I saw you on my blog because I was going to come and say hello to you! Sometimes when I comment on a blog I see your name and think I need to say hi. Love your craft space and how organized you are. My prayers go out to you and your family while hubby goes through his treatment. Glad you have so much support, that means a lot. Nice to "meet" you.

  18. I love your Crafty Room Brenda!!! You have it very organized!! Love the windows, but I'm with you, I love wall space, too. When I get the back bedroom done, I will have 2 walls with out windows and 2 walls with regular windows that are high up. We took out the closet in there when we remodeled years ago to enlarge the bathroom, so no closet door to take away space, so it will be more roomy because of that. Love your space, though!! :)

  19. Super cute space and so fuctional too


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda