
Monday, April 30, 2012

Tissue Box Cover and Exciting News to Share!

Hi all my crafty friends! I have some exciting news!  There was a design team call for BBTB2 and my friend Suzanne, Cricut Craftin Grammy, was entering it and encourage me to enter as well.  I knew Suzanne would be chosen as she is mega talented, but never in a million years did I think I stood a chance!! lol  So when I got the email saying that I was chosen I was super stoked!!!  I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming all this up. lol  So this is the project I made, a tissue box cover for my MIL for Mothers Day.  The carts I used are:  Flower Shoppe, Mother's Day Boutique, Sweethearts, Mother's Day 2010, and George and Basic Shapes, Martha Steward doily punch and branch punch.  The dragon flies where sent to me by someone, so I'm not sure if that was a punch or not, but they worked perfectly with my color combo so I used them too. lol  My stars I cut off of George and then scored and folded them to make them 3D.  Love them!!  You can find the directions here for the tissue box. Thanks for sharing in my exciting news and thanks for all your lovely comments you leave me.  They certainly always make my day a little sweeter! 


  1. OMG!I was going into The baby Shower Theme and saw this,WOW!Your tissue box is AMAZING!I have made several but not as FABULOUS as yours.This morning I woke up thinking about what to make for co-workers and thought Tissue Boxes,...and here you go and post this....I am speechless right now...TFS..

  2. Brenda, welcome welcome to our wonderful BBTB2 design team. We are so excited to have you join us. I love your Mother's day Tissue holder, it was just wonderful.

  3. Beautiful!!!!! now send me the directions.

  4. WooHoo, Brenda! So happy to have you aboard. This project is absolutely stunning! Truly exquisite work. Congratulations! xxD

  5. You are so talented Brenda. I love your project and am so glad we get to be on the team together. Big hugs

  6. Gorgeous project Brenda.Love your beautiful flowers. So pleased to be on the team with you.
    Jayne x

  7. That is soo pretty Brenda, congrats on being a DT member. Way to go girl. :)

  8. Wow, Brenda, this project is just gorgeous. I am so excited that you will be joining the BBTB2 team...I look forward to working with you!

  9. Oh Brenda a big congrats to ya ....
    They couldn't get a more talented team member!
    I love this tissue box so pretty..
    Hugs girlfriend

  10. I love seeing other ideas besides making cards. I am sad my mom has passed, but can sure make one for some other important date. It is just beautiful.

  11. Beautiful tissue box! Congrats on the design team! I am so happy to be working with you!
    Just became a follower of your blog!

  12. OMGosh Brenda That is so beautiful! you did a wonderful job! You are very talented and deserve to be in DT, Congratulations by the way~
    Love ya girl~

  13. I am so proud of you. This is beautiful. Congratulations, my friend.

  14. Congrats, Brenda! I love your project.

  15. OMGosh Brenda!! Your tissue box cover is simply gorgeous!!! Awesome job girly!! Your MIL is going to LOVE it!! Congrats on being BBTB2's design team!!
    Big hiugs, Julie

  16. Brenda, I look forward to playing with you, congrats, hugs

  17. CONGRATS! Miss Brenda.... Love both projects, very cute. we can all say we knew you when...
    Way to go!

  18. Congratulations Brenda! That is awesome news! You are so talented. Never doubt yourself. I absolutely love this tissue box! Great job my friend!

  19. this tissue box is just gorgeous. I am surely going to try this one...thanks for your comment on my blog too.♥


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda