
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog Award ;-)

Hi my crafty friends! I am so excited because my wonderful friend Amy-The Redheaded Crafter has passed this awesome blog award onto me! I am so honored, and I am so excited that Amy thought of me! Thank you so much Amy!!!!! :-) You truly inspire me everytime I go to your blog!!! You are  truly a wonderful blogging friend that I could ever ask for!  You  always leave me encouraging  comments on everything, and you always inspires me with your amazing creations!  Please go and check her blog out you won't be disappointed!!  It's a really cute award too, and I just love the butterfly and the purple and green colors!! 

Here are the terms under which this 'Green Blend Award" are to be given.

1.) This award is for any co-blogging friend who has helped your blog in any and all ways.

2.) This award is for any co-blogging friend who has cheered you along in your blog building, craft advancing career.

3.) This award is for any co-blogging friend who always stops by and is kind to you. you can count on them to always be one of the great comments at the end of your posts.

4.) This award is to be given to 3 to 5 Blends whom you feel meet the listed requirements.

5.) Create a post with the terms of use and publish your Blends of Choice.

6.) Blend of choice may copy the award from your blog and proudly post it on theirs.

7.) Blend of choice may continue the kindness by issuing this award to keep the circle forever growing.

I'm passing this wonderful award onto:

These ladies are so encouraging to me and my blog!!  Thank you my friends for encouraging me and my projects!!  You are all awesome!!!!  I also want to thank the ladies who don't have a blog, and they are the ladies from the former Cricut Crafting Friends thread.  We all have been a great support to each other and have made super friendships!!!  Thanks my friends!!! Hugs!!!


  1. Thank you so much for the award Brenda! I love seeing your projects, you inspire me everyday.

  2. Congrats to you and each person that receives it.

  3. You are so welcome! You inspire me too! :)

  4. Thank you so much, Brenda. You are truly amazing and such a sweet friend. I am so blessed by you. Hugs.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda