
Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Friend Suzanne send me an Butterfly Blog Award!

I would like to thank Suzanne from Cricut Craftin' Grammy for sending me this darling blog award the Butterfly Award. Thanks so much for your kind comments about me and for being such an awesome friend to me!  You know how much I adore your blog and I so appreciate the support with my newest journey, my blog!

So to keep this award I need to answer the following questions:

Butterfly Award Questions:

Q1) Name your favorite color? pink

Q2) Name your favorite song? I love so many artists songs, but I think I love Hotel California the best, I also love all the soldier songs , my soldiers are near and dear to my heart.
Q3) Name your favorite dessert?  I have to pick just one?! LOL  Cheesecake
Q4) What wizzes you off at the moment? People who talk on cell phone while driving.
Q5) Your favorite pet? Our little Jack Russell, Pockets

Q6) Black or White? white
Q7) Your biggest fear?  Losing my soldiers during a deployment.
Q8) Best feature?  Hoping it is my friendship to others.

Q9) Everyday attitude? Be true to yourself and trust in God.
Q10) What is perfection?  Spending time with my hubby, my 6 sons and my grandkids.
Q11) Guilty pleasure?  Relaxing out by the pool and reading.

Q12) When you're upset you? Cry and plead my case.

Now comes the hard part I have to nominate 5 other bloggers. I could nominate a 100 or more that I like.  So I hope I have done all this right, if not I'm sorry. Hopefully I will learn as I go with help from my awesome friends.  I so enjoy all yours blogs!  Big hugs to all of you my crafty friends and thank you to those who follow me.

Now to nominate 5 Blogs for this award: Shawnee is an awesome blogger.  If not for her I would not have my blog.  She is such a dear friend that she set it all up for me.  I love her Sunday shares and love to see her creations.  Thanks so much Shawnee, you are the best my friend!! I met Linda on the Cricut mb challenge thread.  She is so much fun and Okie's partner in crime. LOL I love her blog, she makes awesome cards and has a ton of ideas on her blog.  She used to ship cards for Cards for Soldiers and she shipped to my son's unit in Afgan. She also makes tons of cards for Cards for Soldiers.  Thanks so much for all you do for our soldiers Linda!! Your are awesome!!  Tammy has an awesome blog as well. She does a series called "Lets Scrap Together" and they are so much fun!  Tammy is very talented and and such a hoot.  Thanks Tammy for making scraping with you so much fun!!  I love your style my friend!  Wanda is a talented crafter and I have been following her for a long time.  She has been a big supporter to me for years now on the Cricut mb.  Thanks for the awesome friendship Wanda.  You have always inspired me with all your beautiful creations!  I have just discovered Laura's blog through CardzTV.  She has an awesome blog and is mega talented!  She has became a great supporter of my blog and I so appreciate her comments. Thanks Laura, it is so awesome to have found your blog my friend.  I enjoy your talent and looking forward to a long blogging friendship with you!
Thanks everyone for your support, thanks to Suzanne for nominating me for this award and please check out these awesome blogs, you won't be disappointed!


  1. Oh my gosh! Thank you SOOOOOO much Brenda! You are truly amazing. I am so touched by you nominating me! And I thank you for all of your wonderful comments on my blog. You are so talented as well my friend! Yes we will be LONG time blog friends. Thanks again!

  2. I am very happy you like the award Brenda. You deserve it. Loved reading your answers and you nominated some great blogs. Hugs


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda