
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!

Hello my crafty friends, sorry another month has went by and nothing from me. I am hoping that will change with the colder temps. Not a whole lot going on around here but I have been holding some card classes for my teacher friends. Just a way to get together each month. I get 4 cards together for them to make and then we have lunch. Such a nice little get together. So will be sharing what we have been up to soon.

I also just got back from a trip down south. My sister friend talked me into going down to Myrtle Beach, SC with her and her husband. Since I am very comfortable with them, I went. We had a great time and even went to Charleston for the day, I was born in Charleston so it was fun seeing the place where I was born. I will share a few pictures at the end of my post.

But for now I have some birthday cards I made in the beginning of summer. They are a complete CAS from Anita over at My Paper Craft World . She sent me a beautiful birthday card and I loved the design so much I had to CAS it. And CASE it I did! I made a bunch of them and here are a few. As always the recipes will be at the end of this post.

Here are a few pictures from my trip. Bret took care of Savannah up at school for me so that made this trip possible. My little lady that I took care of passed the day before I left on my trip. So I missed the funeral but the family sent me off on my trip with their blessings. They are such a wonderful family!

My sister friend and her husband and myself. Yes, I'm the shortest! We took this selfie just before our tour boat came in to take us around the harbor in Charleston. We also were told some stories about Charleston and  and learned a lot about Ft. Sumter.

Historical River Front in Conway, SC This is my aunt, uncle and cousin and of course me.

 Walking on the boardwalk one evening in Myrtle Beach, so took a picture of the waves crashing on shore. Not a bad photo for night time. All photo's were taken with my phone camera as well.

 While in Charleston for the day, we ate at Bubba Gump's and I got the Shrimp and Grits. Cause you know a southern girl can't go without her grits!!!!  OMGosh, was this ever so good! I know it probably doesn't look good, but it makes my mouth water just looking at the photo. lol I brought many bags of grits home with me too because in the North you just can't get good grits.

As always but especially now, I thank you for stopping by and visiting with me a spell. Your comments always lift my spirit and make my days brighter. I hope to get around to visit your blogs soon!

Crafty hugs,

Card Recipe:
stamps: My Creative Time, Maymay Made It, Stamping Up
dies: Some die cut words Anita send me, My Creative Time
misc. scraps from my scrap bin
foam tape
distress oxide inks
misc. sequins


  1. Your cards are so gorgeous, Brenda!! I love the design and the papers you used!! And what beautiful pictures!! It looks like such an amazing trip!! I love the photo of the waves crashing at night!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time, my friend!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. a beautiful set of cards brenda! i love the variety of colours in the backgrounds and the sentiments, as well as the big bold typefaces. great pics too; looks like everyone had a good time.

  3. Fabulous cards Brenda and how lovely to know you had such a super time on holiday. It's lovely to see your sweet smiling face in those lovely photos!


    Di xx

  4. Hi friend!! So happy to see this post from you! Your little card class sounds perfect! I love that you are doing this! AND your trip to Myrtle Beach, SC - I jealous, but oh so happy you were able to go! The beach is so good for the soul. At least, mine! ;) Look at all your cards too, wow!! They are all great! Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day! xoxo

  5. Beautiful birthday cards, all ways, an what a great way to use your stash of papers, Brenda - oh we all have them!
    Thanks for sharing your adventure, and those photos! I've not been to Charleston, but it is on my wish list - especially now I've laid eyes on that dish! This Northerner loves grits - especially with butter and brown sugar - are you cringing?
    So happy you had that lovely time with friends...

  6. FANTASTIC cards Brenda!!!! I love each and every one of them and yep....I see a CASE coming on too. They're great!
    Loved seeing the pictures again and know you had so much fun.

  7. Pretty cards!! Glad you enjoyed your trip. Great photos. I love my grits also.

  8. Welcome back! You're right Brenda, that is an inspirational design! LOVE those fabulous cards! Thank you for sharing those happy photographs with us all, it's lovely to see glimpses of fellow crafters lives! Lovely photos too and hard to believe they were taken on a phone camera, they are so good! Have a lovely Sunday! Luv & Hugs. Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  9. Great, festive cards, Brenda! Your trip sounds wonderful! I love Charleston and would love to visit there again. I'm glad you had a fun time!

  10. I am so happy you went on this trip, Brenda. Especially since you got to visit your hometown and spend time with relatives. The card is a good one to CASE and all of yours are great. Hope colder weather finds you back in your craft room and sharing your lovely creations.

  11. Hi Brenda,
    sounds like you had a super time and I am so glad you are getting out and about.
    It does one good to do this now and again.
    Hope all is well with you and yours,
    Super cards as always and their designs are onderful and so colourful.
    Lots of crafty love and hugs from my house to yours. Jenny L.

  12. It's great to see you posting, Brenda! I love, love, love your fabulous array of beautifully CASED and festive cards!! Thank you for sharing the photos, too! I'm delighted to know you had a trip away and had a blast!! Hugs, Auntie

  13. I'm happy to see you back blogging, Brenda. Love the cards - they are so pretty and will be enjoyed thoroughly, I'm sure. Your pictures are such fun - thanks for sharing your good times.

  14. I have always wanted to try grits...but never have.
    Your cards are beautiful and I love that you made more than one of the same design!!

  15. Lovely cards Brenda I can see why you CASE the design t looks like a fun one to play with :) The photos sure show you were haveing a great time too :) Sorry to hear of the loss of the lady you take care of prayers and hugs my friend, Tina

  16. Oh, Brenda ... you CASEd that design brilliantly in each of your cards ... they're so fun and celebratory ... and so you! Thanks so much for the shoutout, my friend! Great to hear you're having fun with classes ... and your trip sounds and looks amazing ... what a wonderful time you had! Hugs, Anita :)

  17. Some fantastic cards, and the photos are just grand! Enjoyed seeing those as well as these pretty cards. Love each one, and I like that design that you've been inspired to do. Must remember that. I'm so glad you got to enjoy a little time away, and yum on those grits! I could do with a bowl of that just now. People who don't like grits, should try this...oh my! And no, Yankees don't make good grits...been there - done that! Take care, stay warm & dry. TFS & Hugs

  18. Hi Brenda, so nice to know you had a fun getaway and enjoyed yourself on the trip! The pictures are great and I love seeing your smile :) Great array of cards for all occasions too, and I love how the diecut sentiment holds both sides together for a cool look! I hope you enjoy autumn as well as those grits. Being a northern girl all my life, I've never eaten grits, can you believe it? Enjoy :)

  19. Gorgeous cards Brenda and you have been missed.
    Hugs Veerle x

  20. Fabulous cards, brenda. I like these can never have enough Birthday cards on hand! My girls drop by andclean me out every now and again so I like to have a good stash on hand too!

    Your photos look great and sounds like you had lots of fun. I went to Charleston a few years ago and would love to go back. Fell in love with the beauty of it!

  21. Good to see you were able to have a trip to get you back on your feet so to speak, a SUPER photo of the ocean and that food looks yummy, but don't know what grits are LOL.

    I love your cards and may even case them, I've no motivation for doing any with your help I may be able to get goin@ LOL.


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda