
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wrapped in Snow and Ice, oh my!

Hello my crafty friends, I hope you all are staying warm this cold wintery night. We like many parts of the country are getting hit with snow and ice. Monday schools were closed due to the snow storm. It was a wet and heavy snow, but the kind the snow plowing people like because it is easy to plow. Last night we had freezing rain and it wrapped the snow covered trees in ice. Well you know what happens when there is ice! Yes, people lost electric, trees limbs were breaking and falling on the electric wires and once again school was cancelled for yet another day. My son is right, he won't get to graduate until June at this rate. They have had a lot of missed days because of the weather. But usually our school graduations are held in June anyway, but this year was the first class that was supposed to graduate in May. Don't think that will happen now, so we will see. Anyway I wanted to share some snowy and icy pics with you all because even though it's a PITA is sure is pretty!

On our way to chemo on Monday, going out our road. It had only been snowing for about 2 hours or so. TIP-You can click on the pics to enlarge them. 

This is what the main roads looked like, nope no plows were out yet. 

Our snowy view out the chemo room window. So beautiful!

The roads were good coming home from chemo, until we reached our road. Wasn't long though that the snow plow can through and opened our road too. Hubby used to open our road as it used to be days before they got to the secondary roads in the past.

Now fast forward to today. We had to go back to the chemo center to get hubby's pump taken off. But the roads were totally clear by the time we left. Our driveway was another problem. lol This is out the back door and even though it was nasty, the iced covered trees were so beautiful.

 Our poor pine tree. It doesn't look it but they were large limbs that had broken from the weight of the ice.

DS's card wrapped in ice.

On the way to the cancer center.

 At our house after the sun came out in the afternoon and was shinning off the ice covered trees was like glittering diamonds! Isn't it so beautiful?!

I hope you enjoyed looking at our snowy iced wrapped world. Now we are waiting the "big" one for the weekend. A Nor'easter that is supposed to dump 30 inches of snow on us. We will see what we actually get. lol Crafty hugs, Brenda


  1. Loved seeing your pics, we had the same here Tuesday afternoon, just not as much. School let out early Tuesday and been out the last two days. As of now we will b going one extra day even though we've missed three days over our build in snow make up days. The state of Indiana gave waivers for the two extreme cold days so we won't have to make up those. By the way thanks for all your sweet comments on the wedding hugs to u and your hubby.

  2. WOW---what a winter scene you have! Stay safe!!!

  3. Wow, you really did get the ice there! We got snow and drifting; Purdue University actually closed yesterday! That doesn't happen very often! You and your hubby take care and stay warm.

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures Brenda. I hope the weekend isn't too unkind with snow! I think we just have extreme rain!, yes even for us! Lol x

  5. bRRRR!!! beautiful pics Brenda(twin), stay warm I pray the hubs is doing well. Nice to visit my old blog

    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Wow so hard for this California girl to comprehend. So pretty!

  7. I loved all the pictures, Brenda. I agree with Suzanne:) We need some of that snow out here in sunny California. Finally got rain today but need lots more.

  8. I'm glad I didn't have to see these when I knew you hadda get out & drive in it! Yes, very beautiful, but I hope it all melts real fast. That last tree would make a beautiful card. So icy. TFS & hope ya'll can stay inside over the wkend. Hugs

  9. WOW!!!!! The trees look like they are wearing diamonds!! Beautiful but so cold looking. Stay warm and stay safe!!! :)


Thank you for your comments. I enjoy reading each and everyone of them and love when you stop by to visit me for a spell. I will be stopping by shortly to visit you too. I so appreciate you! Crafty hugs, Brenda